Our time

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They said we wouldn't work so we had to prove them wrong.
Let me start at the beginning.
It all started on a Friday morning. I pulled to this little cafe shop to get a bite to eat before work.
So I went to the front desk to pay for my muffin and that when we first laid eyes on each other.
Didn't think much about it.
Until we bumped into each other on the street the next day.
So we ended up talking
I gave you my number and we ended up dating.
So we met each other family's and our family's didn't get along.
They always told us we deserve better that this wasn't our time.
But we loved each other so much that we didn't listen to them.
We got so much hate from our family members.
So we just proved them wrong like we did a million times before.
Finally they accepted our love and my dad gave you my hand in marriage.
The happiest day of my life.
I know our life's have never been simple going though the fights with our family's to stay together but we did it.
We stayed together though it all.
So now were looking back though our 10 years together and to see all the fight we went though to get here.
Now we have 3 beautiful kids.
And all I got to say is I knew we could do it.
Because this is our time.

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