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Today is the first day I've been happy for a long time.
I never really saw the point of happiness until the day I landed myself in the hospital.

I always knew I had anxiety and depression, I would hurt myself or just take stupid risk.

Let's start at the beginning.....

One day I woke and thought today was the day I'm gonna be happy. Today's the day I gonna make my parents proud of me!
So I got up and changed for school. Ugh school, what a drag well thankfully for friends!

At school

I was just walking down the hall with one of my guy friends when I saw out of the corner of my eye something being thrown in my direction, then snickering from all around me.

"Look at the loser," is all I hear around me.
Next thing I feel is big arms wrap around me but I just pushed them aside and ran off in tears.


4 hours later at home

What's the point?
I'm never going to fit in, never going to be normal... people just look at me and think look there's another dressed loser, she should just end it now," so maybe that's what I should do.
Goodbye cruel world....

Dear Mom and Dad:
I'm so sorry but I can't do this anymore, I'm not a good daughter. Everywhere I look everyone hates me and I even hate myself. I'm sorry I'm not the daughter you guys think I am, goodbye.

~ Monica


8 hours later at the hospital

Thats when I woke up and looked around the room and that's when I see my parents and best friend there all crying.
I just looked at them.

"What's wrong?"

That's the moment when I realized I hurt the people that care the most about me.

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