Breaking down

48 27 9

I love you! your my souls my everything, but for some reason you push me away, you tell me I'm your everything then leave like I'm nothing.

I wonder the streets with my head hanging low wondering what I did wrong, Why my heart is breaking over you all the time.
I ponder on all the good times we had and all the hardships we shares and every time I do I just cry and break inside!
All the time we shared were magical but all the time we failed was heart clenching.

All that I give but you rejected,
I still remember the time when you called me "love,baby,sweetheart and dear" but i also remember all the times you slapped me and called me "worthless" all the love I gave you and you threw it away like I was a piece of meat!

I still wonder if we will ever be together again but I realize it will never happen for us cause your not willing to change who you are.

When will my heart stop breaking?when will my heart stop hurting its agonizing pain? please someone hear my cry and help me!!!!

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