Finally Over You

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Flash Back

"Braylon I thought you loved me. You said that she was your cousin!" I yelled.
"Oh come on Lexie I never loved you."
"It was all a game that me and my friends had going. They wanted to see how long I could keep this going before you caught me in the act."
"What? This was a game? You never loved me even after you proposed?
It was all a joke to you?" I yelled back.
"Yes, yes it was it was all a game." He chuckled.
I ran away with burning tears trickling down my face.

Present Day

Wow, it's been two years since we broke of the engagement, I'm happy to report I'm finally over you.
But I know that a little part of me will always love you, but I can now move on without crying.
The great part of it all is with lots of love from my girls and family I'm starting to trust people again and I'm not scared of getting hurt anymore even though it might sting at the beginning.
The best part of it all is I found a great man named James that loves me for me and treats me with respect and love and I'm so glad that I can give him my love back.
With all the struggles of that I had he was there through it all he know what you did too me and he stuck by me through all the tears.
And to think I probably won't have found the man of my dreams if we never broke off our engagement.
Now I'm getting married in 2 weeks and it the happiest I've been in my life.

Two day before the wedding

I saw you on the street looking all grey and gloomy.
So I decided to walk up to you to ask.
Braylon what wrong were is April?
Oh she broke up with me she said if I was never going to purpose to her like I did to you then were over.
Oh Braylon I'm so sorry.
Thanks Lexie I should have never did what I did to you I'm sorry will you ever forgive me.
Braylon I already have and I'm getting married in 2 days.
Oh congrats Lexie.
Thanks well I got to go bye.

Wedding day

Just to think in a few hours I'm getting married.
I was getting ready with the girls getting our hair done I was sitting in the hair salon that when I got a call thinking it was James I picked it up.
Hi honey how are you.
Hey Lexie it me Braylon how are you I know it you wedding day but I need to tell you something I still love you I never got over the fact that I let you go.
Oh Braylon but I don't love you anymore I love James, anyway I thought this was all a game for you.
"It was but when you left I realized that I really did love you. "
Come on Braylon your only saying this because you miss April go talk to her she still loves you bye.
But Lexie ok fine bye.
What was that Brianna asked oh that was Braylon saying he still loves me.
So I told him I don't love him and I love James and that he misses April and should talk to her so he is.
Anyway i only have 6 hours to put on my dress get to the hall and get married wow.

6 hours later

At the hall hearing the songs being played first the girl walk down with the groomsman.
Now it my turn I hear the wedding song being played so my dad walked me down and hands me to James.
Wow this is it in a matter of 10 minutes I will be know as Lexie Henderson.
Next thing I hear you may now kiss the bride.
We walking back up and I look around smiling and all I see Is my mom crying and mouthing I knew you could do it I love you.
So I mouthed back thanks mom love you too.

3 years later

Wow celebrating our 3 year anniversary with our 1 year old son.
What a great life we have mad for ourself and to think this all happen because we broke off our engagement,and that James was beside my side thought it all.
I married my best friend and the love my life 3 years ago today.

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