It's Me

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I was born on September 14,1995 my name is Katherine.
I was born into a loving family at that point it was just me and my older brother, who is also diabetic.
I was such a happy baby says my parents. I started walking and talking early and everything seemed to be fine.
I wasn't scared of anything. I was apparently fearless says my parents, I would get out of my own crib and walk down stairs,to my mom and dad's side.
But that all changed one day when I turned one.
I started becoming fearful of heights, so my parent started getting worried, wondering why I would cry over something I wasn't scared of before. So they took me to the hospital and they said nothing was wrong.
But they were completely wrong because I lost my ability to walk and talk. Everything. So we made another trip to the hospital, we went through hell and I went through so many tests, CAT scans, M.R.I's, ultra sounds, just too many to mention.

But they found out that I had cancer. Stage four. The name of the cancer is Neuroblastoma and it affects your nervous system.
And usually it doesn't affect your ability to walk or talk, but mine was so rare that I lost everything.
My parents told me that when I reached the age if two, I probably would die. We had to fight right at that moment for my life, the doctors told us.
So I fought. I had to get surgery on my stomach to remove the tumour, and my right kidney.

The doctor told my parents that I would never walk or talk ever again. Well, they were wrong. I fought once, but I would have to again at the age of 4. I had to learn how to walk and talk again.

There's a scar on my stomach, but it saved my life. And I'm grateful for that. My whole life, I remember going to the doctors every 6 months until I was 16. I do have a tiny lisp, due to the fact that I had to learn how to speak again.
Neuroblastoma is a cancer that makes your nervous system shake, and you loss the control of your muscles in your body, so you look anorexic and sick.

The moral of this story is, if I can fight for my life, so can all of you guys out there. No matter if it's cancer or anything else. You can do it.

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