The truth comes out at last

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So you decided in all these years we were together to tell me the truth.
Well how do you feel now that you broke me into millions of pieces and left me to mend my own broken heart?

2 years earlier

We meet at one of my friends house and I didn't think much about you until you walked up to me and we started talking.
So we became good friends and we hung out every week. We FaceTimed every other day.
After about 2 months of getting to know each other as friends we became a couple.
Everything was great, you were my everything and I was yours.
I got to meet you family and friend and you meet mine.
Everything was great but I always felt like you were keeping secrets from me but I let it slid cause I fell in love with you so much.
You told me that you'll never hurt me like other people have, that I could trust you and I told you the same.

1 year later

My friends ran up to me and told me you were cheating on me with some girl named April.
I believed them a little cause I've been cheated on before but I remember what you told me that I can trust you so I didn't think much about it.
Until that one day I was at your house watching a movie.
You left to get a drink and you left you phone on the counter. Thats when you got a text from April- the girl my friends told me about.
So I read the message not thinking much about it. (Hey babe how are you? So nice seeing you yesterday)
That's when you came down stairs and you saw me put you phone back down on the counter.
That when I decide to ask you about April.
You told me she was your cousin.
So stupid of me to believe you.
So we finished watching the movie then we went out for dinner after.
That's when you proposed to me saying I was the love of you life and of course I said yes to you.

Present day

Every thing is going great. Planning for the wedding and I'm going to marry my man in 3 months. Wow. Amazing how this is happening so fast for us.
But thats when again my friends came up to me and told me about April, saying your cheating on me with her.
So I told them that April was your cousin and that you would never lie to me.
That I can trust him.
"Come on Lexie, he's lying to you! We just saw him kissing her."
But I didn't believe them because I thought you were the one.
That's when I saw you and her holding hands and kissing.
That's when I yelled "Braylon I thought you loved me and that she was your cousin!"
"Oh come on Lexie I never loved you.
It was all a game that me and my friends had going.
They wanted to see how long I could keep this going before you caught me in the act."
"What this was a game? You never loved me even after you proposed?
It was all a joke to you?" I yelled back.
"Yes, yes it was it was all a game." He chuckled.
I ran away with burning tears trickling down my face, thankfully my friends were still there for me after all I said to them. They were right all along.
So I guess after 2 long years together you finally told me the truth.
The funny thing is I should have listened to my gut when it told me you were keeping secrets.
I guess I got played well.
Well I got to say I feel stupid, I feel dumb.
I should have listen to my friends when they told me.
Now I'm broken into millions of pieces and I am wondering if I can mend my broken heart again. But how do I trust a man again after I been hurt so bad?

4 weeks later
Thankfully I have my girls here to support me and to help me to mend what you have broken.
Believe it or not, with the help of my girls and family, it's a slow progress but bit by bit, I am starting to trust again like I did before.

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