What I can't take back

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I know I've cause you so much pain.
You were my best friend then you became my boyfriend.
I had so many plans in stored for us for the future.
But on that one cold day in December I told you that i cheated on you with your best friend.
I know I can't take the pain I've cause you away but I would love to try.
I know you can't trust me anymore.
My heart is broken that were not together anymore, it was my stupid mistake.
Now you're not even friends with that guys anymore.
The day I told you I cheated was the worst day of your life because you were going to purpose to me on that day.
And you said I ripped your heart out and stomped on it.
You said if I ever loved you wouldn't have cheated and stayed faithful and that it was all a lie.
But truth is, it never was a lie, I loved you with all my heart and still do, I was just so stupid that I made a huge mistake.
I know I can never change what I did to you and it kills me to say this but with out you in my life I can't go on.
Just hoping one day you'll forgive me.
I'm willing to try to make this better.

Ex boyfriend POV

Was so happy with you going to purpose to you that day.
Them you told me you cheated on me with my beat friend.
I told you so many times I loved you but I guess to you it was a lie.
You ripped my heart out that day and you stones on it.
You say you want to make this better.
The truth is seeing you and my ex best friend in my life hurts so much all I want to do is stay far away from you.
One day I might forgive you but for now stop calling I can't take listening to your voice or seeing your face.
This is your mistake that you can't take back so let me be.

Ex best friend POV

I can't believe I did this to my best friend.
I should have never kisses her I knew how much she meant to him.
He was going to purpose but now I messed it up.
Now I lost the most important person in my life my best friend.
I wish I could fix it all but I know that's one mistake I can't take back.

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