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Have you ever felt your heart breaking before? I have so many times.

Now everyone thinks heartbreak is when a boy or girl breaks up with you. See you're half right.
It is also when a dear friend or family member passes away.

I have lost so many people in my life by them just walking away or forgetting I even existed.
And yes, that might hurt for a little bit but it passes like a sailing ship at night.
Above all else though, nothing is more heartbreaking then losing a friend or family member.

I've seen so many people just throw there lives away for something stupid, but I've also seen some fighting for there lives when they get really sick from cancer or other sickness.

We all have two choices in our lives.
One is to fight and try to live, and the other is to just give up.
I know it's not easy to fight.
Trust me, I know what it's like to fight for something that seems so out of reach.
But no one can do it alone, there's always that one close friend or family member that wants to help you get through anything.
So instead of pushing them aside let them in and let them help you, cause if we push them aside you will not just be breaking your own heart.
You're breaking theirs too.

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