Chapter 2

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My limbs hang at odd angles as Tobias picks me up off of the cold table that I was lying on. He cradles me close as though I am a small child, and for once I do not mind.

He wraps one arm under my knees and another around my back. He grips me tightly, so that my head lay on his broad shoulder. I inhale the familiar smell of wind and metal, and know that I am safe now.

My numb legs slightly sway as Tobias carries me to wherever he is taking me. I look up into Tobias's still damp and red face, yet I think that he now looks more handsome then ever before.

I love him. I wish that I had the strength to tell him that, and when I do I will gladly express it. He stops and kicks open a door. Tobias lies me down on a dusty, scratchy, couch and I realize that we are in the room where I slept with him the night before my 'death'.

He begins to mindlessly stroke his hand through my hair, refusing to take his eyes off of me. I hear the door open again, and someone, unfamiliar to me, speaks. "I must take her to observations, what happened to her, it's incredible, I can't explain it! I must explain it!" The voice sounds clipped and hurried, I feel tired just listening to him speak. Tobias responds "listen, she has been through enough, I don't need her going through useless tests just to satisfy your curiosity." I can hear the heartbreak and hurt in his voice, it pains me to hear him this way. "Tobias" I croak out, "Let (cough) them". Solemnly he nods, and lifts me up once again.


Hoped you all enjoyed! I'll try to update as much as I can, but I have testing this week. Please remember to vote and review! I always love hearing suggestions and ideas for future chapters! :-)

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