Chapter 33

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(Natalia's POV)

I hold back all of my tears and emotions. Noah trails behind me, worried, and terrified at what he just saw.

I turn each hallway, searching for the weapons lab. I hear a cry coming from where Leo was left. Hope fills me, is he alive? But this wail sounds high pitched, much too high pitched for Leo.

None the less, I run to him, adrenaline flowing through my veins like acid.

"Keri?" Noah asks. He sounds out of breath, I don't feel tired all.
The scene before me is just as horrible as I left it, Keri holds Leo in her arms. His eyes seem like glass marbles in his head, his jaw hanging open. Keri's hands covered in his still gushing blood, her knees in the growing pool of blood. And a smell, such a potent oder that can only describe death and rotting flesh.

"What are you doing here?" Noah asks.

Keri looks up with tears in her eyes, "I, I was kidnapped. Brought in as a subject for horrible tests, but I escaped."

I turn away from the mess I created and tears begin to flow down my cheeks. I am a cracked dam, only allowing a little bit of emotion to escape, but I know that very soon, I will burst. My walls will come tumbling down in shaking fits of sobs and screams. But for now I must stay strong, what other options do I have?

We take her along with us, weaving in and out of hallways and rooms until we find the weapons lab.

"The defense system should be off." Noah says.

None the less, we change into clean suites, Keri staying behind.

"Before we go in here," Noah begins, "I want you to know that, I love you."

I open my mouth to say it back, but decide against it. I do love him that is not the problem, but I just don't feel like now, is the time to say it.

Instead I give him the best attempt at a smile and hold his hand, the rubber of our gloves makes an odd sound.

We walk in, expecting the worst.


OMG, Divergent came out today!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Ahhhhh!!!!!!!
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