Chapter 20

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(Natalia's POV)

Today is the dance.

Today is the dance.

Today is the dance.

I let that sentence play out over and over again in my head. I perform my usual routine of getting ready for school, I pack my dress and shoes in my backpack. The dance starts right after the last bell of the day. I find it pointless to have to wear heels and a dress all day long.

My dress is a deep, rich blue. Noah's favorite color, I think and then push the idea out if my mind.

I begin walking toward Emily's and Noah's house, and then stop. It would be way to awkward.

Instead, I run to the train station myself. I am a little early, so I have to wait for the train to come. I look in the distance and see three dark figures approaching.

Two taller figures stand on either side of one smaller figure. Noah, Emily, and Lynn. I do the most logical thing I can think of, I run.

I must be a mile up the tracks before my adrenaline falters. I am suddenly aware of the burning ache in my legs.

I can hear the train approaching and desperately will my legs to run once more.

I can feel the rush of wind as I run. I jump, weightless for a brief moment, I always love this moment. Where I am weightless, invincible, free.

I am thrown back into reality when I feel the hard wood floors underneath me.

I look around, great, I think. Sitting in the corner of the train car is Noah. My cheeks flush red, and my hands begin to feel moist. I run them along my pant legs as I sit down on the other side of the car.

He stands up and moves next to me. He is so close, that I can the dark blue ring that surrounds his perfect hazel eyes.

He does not say a word, I do not either. We sit, staring at each other, I can feel his breath. And then it happens. His lips crash into mine. It is as if all time has stopped, as if we are the only two people left in the world.

He pulls me closer, and puts an arm around my waist. I grab fistfuls of his shirt, and pull him closer as to minimize the space between us.

I am lost in his sweet smelling hair, and soft lips, until I remember. I pull away as I am forced back into reality.

Jason. I asked Jason to the dance. The thought gives me a headache. I suddenly find my myself frustrated, and take it out on the only person around.

Tears stain my face as I slap Noah across the face, even over the wind I can hear the heart wrenching sound of skin against skin.

I jump off and decide to walk the rest of the way to school. I don't dare look back at the train car, scared that I will see Noah lingering in the doorway, wondering what just happened.

As I walk, I do the only logical thing I can think of, cry. When I arrive at school, only Keri is waiting in our usual spot. When she sees my tear stained face she runs over and gives me a hug.

If we still had the factions, she would un doubtfully be Amity. I sob into her bright pink cardigan. When I am done, I whisper, "Sorry." She actually laughs, "Oh, sweetie it's ok, it's only a jacket." I give her my best attempt at a smile and we sit down together. I explain everything, she was there when I asked Jason, but it is an entire different story when I explain it with all of the feeling and emotions involved.

When I am finished, we hug, and the the bell rings. I inhale as I walk through the large doors, and begin my day.

(Noah's POV)

I follow my usual routine. Wake up, get dressed, wake up Emily and Lynn, eat breakfast and go to school. But something is different, something is missing.

I feel a pain in my heart when I realize that Tessa is what is missing. She has come here every morning since we started going to school, yet, today she didn't come.

I begin my walk to the train with my siblings. Lynn is rambling on about some new game she plays with her friends. I nod my head every once and a while to pretend I'm listening.

I am staring off into the distance, and then I see it, her. A small dark outline among the vast landscape. I stop. "What wrong?" Asks Emily. "Nothing." I respond, not taking my eyes off of Tessa. "Take Lynn to school." And then I am off.

I can see her outline grow smaller as she runs, but I am fast.

Eventually, I let her run into the distance, out of breath, and knees weak I jump into the oncoming train car.

Only minutes later I see her small frame enter the car. I love everything about her, from her dark blue eyes, to her narrow build.

Her vision falls on me, and her eyes grow wide. She takes a seat on the other side of the car, her brown hair whipping across her face.

I don't even think, and before I know it I am sitting next to her, so close that I can feel her breath.

We do not speak, I admire her delicate beauty in silence. Her soft brown hair, her deep blue eyes, ringed with a lighter blue. She is smart, brave, selfless, honest, and peaceful. I love her. I wish that I had the guts to tell her, I just can't accept that anything is happening between her and Jason. The very thought of her with Jason pains me.

My feelings take over, and my self restraint falters. I press my lips to hers. I feel as though I am floating, beautiful is all I can think.

Then, as quickly as it began, Tessa pulls away. I see tears build up in her eyes, and she slaps me, hard. I don't even acknowledge the pain. Tessa jumps out of the train and I am left in the doorway of the train car. The wind keeping my clothing close to my body. I watch as she passes in a blur, I watch until she is gone.


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Pole: Whom do you want paired up with who?

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