Chapter 10

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(8 months later)

I lay on our couch in the little room. Tobias is passed out cold on the floor in a bundle of blankets. I stare at my engagement ring in the faint light of dawn. It's engraving stands out as the etched metal sparkles in the dim light. Forever and Always. I smile to myself, thinking of how truly lucky I am to have Tobias. I look over at his peaceful, sleeping face. I wish that he always looked that relaxed and carefree, but at the same time I love his constant doubt of everyone and everything, marking a permanent scowl on his face.

I sigh and attempt at falling to sleep, but my mind will not rest. I think about my engagement, about the baby, even about the Allegiant. I haven't heard of any new activity from them, which is good. Yet their silence is almost as worrisome as their known activity.

I wince in pain. A small moan escapes my lips, Tobias rolls over in his sleep. The pain comes greater this time and I clench my teeth as I yell. Tobias jolts awake, rubbing away the sleep from his eyes. "What's wrong?" He almost sounds annoyed. "I think that, ow, it's the baby." Tobias's eyes grow wide, and he is now fully awake.

He helps me stand, but another wave of pain rushes over me and I collapse. Tobias catches me and picks me up. He holds me at an awkward angle due to my large round stomach. Half walking and half running he carries me. The pain is gradually growing and then suddenly disappearing.

We finally reach the hospital, the waves of pain come quicker now. I am carried to a closed off small room and laid down on a fluffy white cot. I grasp Tobias's hand so tightly that it turns bright purple and he winces. A doctor enters the room, and I recognize her as Dr. Maria. I clench Tobias's hand harder as pain washes over me. He lets out a quiet moan, but I am in too much pain to apologize. I am hooked up to a heart monitor along with a few other machines. Finally, Dr. Maria speaks. "She's in labor".

(6 hours later)

It is exactly 9:46 am when I hear crying. I turn to Tobias, who is both wincing and smiling, I let go if his crushed hand. I am handed a soft pink bundle. I look inside to see a beautiful baby girl. She has tuffs of light brown hair sticking in every direction on her head. She is pale, and small, exactly like me in every way. But then, she opens her eyes, and I see the same warm deep blue that I see every time I look at Tobias.

I look at him and find him staring at our baby. His eyes warm, and relaxed. "What are you going to name her" Dr. Maria says. "I want I name her after my mother" I say to Tobias. "How about Natalia" he responds. I love it, "Can her middle name be Tessa?" I ask him,"I really like that name." "I love it" he responds. I turn my attention to Dr. Maria and say "Her name is Natalia Tessa Johnson." We decided that her last name would be Johnson as to disconnect any association with Marcus, Tobias has changed his last name too, and once we are married I will as well.

"Hi Natalia," says Tobias, stroking her cheek, "I'm your Dad, and I love you very much." As if on cue, Natalia untangles her little hand from her blanket and wraps it around Tobias's finger. This is perfect, she is perfect, our family is perfect.


Hope you all enjoyed! Please comment and vote, I still need ideas for Tobias and Tris's wedding. :-)

(P.S. I'm going to be adding a couple of time lapses so that Natalia can be a factor in the story.)

Allegiant (Continuation)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن