Chapter 3

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Tobias carries me through many hallways, until we reach a set of large white doors. The strange man, whom I now recognize as a doctor opens one to reveal a very white, very sterol room. I slightly shudder at it's resemblance to the Erudite testing room where I was nearly killed, the first time.

Luckily Tobias didn't notice my shudder, he seemed to focused on the abundance of equipment and people in clean suites rushing around the room. Tobias is led to a metal table covered by a thin, blinding white cot. He gently lays me down and kisses my forehead.

I shiver as the doctor places each sticky pad on various parts of my body. I am positioned on a slight angle, so I stare at my doctor as he watches a metal screen. His eyes go wide and he begins to type furiously. A small knot of worry begins to form in my stomach.

I look to my right and see a very nervous Tobias. He is standing, biting the inside of his cheek, and he won't let his eyes off of me. He is also holding my hand, it is as if, since he found out I was alive, I will simply vanish if he is not holding onto me at all times.

I briefly look into his eyes, and see worry, anguish, and hurt. Guilt tugs at my insides as I realize that everyone of those feelings is my fault. That I made him this way. That I broke him, but I can't break him, no I have bent him, but he is to strong, to stable, to real to be broken.

I tear my eyes away from him and focus once again on the doctor. Pure determination is in his eyes. He quickly glances at me, and a shudder runs through my body. That look, he had the same look that Jeanine Mathews had, when looking at me. I am a puzzle, a problem that can't be solved. I am nothing more then a bag of genetics, and the thought makes the worry in my stomach expand.

The doctor tears his eyes from the screen, obviously unwilling, and instead, focuses on me. I can't meet his eyes, worried that he will have that look. "Well, I can partially explain why you are alive." He says. My curiosity is too great, so I dare to ask, "How". I remember being put under death serum, I also recall being shot, twice. I have no idea how or why I am alive. "Well, the death serum is designed to slow cardiovascular activity, hence slowing blood flow, how you were ever even in contact with death serum, I will never know..." He begins to ramble on, and I realize that he is clueless on recent events, I guess that the memory serum did work.

Eventually he shuts up long enough for Tobias to interject, "In English please". The doctor shoots us each a rather offended look and continues, "death serum slows down your heart rate and thickens your blood, allowing it to easily clot over your bullit wounds, and act as a natural bandage, however the healing process is painfully slow." "So in other words, Tris's heart rate was slowed so much that she passed as dead?" Tobias says, cutting him off. "Precisely" He responds sounding rather annoyed. "I believe that a congratulations is in order as well" says the doctor. "Why?" Both Tobias and I almost yell. The doctor looks flustered, "Well, your pregnant of course." He says it like it is obvious. I am suddenly out of breath, I look over at Tobias, who's eyes are so wide that the rest of his face seems to disappear. "Well..." I ask nervously. Tobias bends down next to my torso, and leans his face toward my stomach. "I don't care if you are a boy or a girl, I love you, and I will protect for as long as I am alive, forever and always."

Hope you all enjoyed! Please remember to both vote and review! I promise to update again by Monday if I get at least 3 reviews for this chapter. :-)

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