Chapter 9

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Surprisingly, I wake up the next morning and keep my breakfast down. Tobias actually took the news well last night, without freaking out. I sigh, as I spoon a forkful of cake in my mouth. Uriah is set to be released today from the hospital, and I should get ready for his party soon.

I finish my breakfast and take a long, hot, shower. Steam covers everything by the time I get out. I slip on a plain black tank top, my dark jeans, and combats boots. I decide to tie my hair in a bun. When I walk out of the bathroom Tobias gives me a weird look. I've noticed that he is wearing layers, blue jeans, two black shirts, and a leather jacket. "That's all that you are going to wear?" He says. "Why should I get dressed up? I didn't know that it was kind of an event." I respond. He shakes his head and smiles, "Tris, if you fail to do a dare or tell a truth you have to remove one article of clothing, excluding shoes and socks." All I can manage to say is, "Oh."

We arrive at what Zeke has now claimed as his apartment at exactly 4:06. I feel nervous and almost scared as we wait inside for the other guests to arrive. I am sweating because of my many layers of clothing. After hearing how to play candor or dauntless, I added a second tank top, a light grey shirt, and a leather jacket to my array of clothing. Uriah is lying on the couch, still slightly drugged. He keeps giving me odd looks, and opening his mouth as if to speak and then closing it. Tobias, Zeke, Uriah, and I wait in an awkward silence for the others to arrive.

I hear the door knock and sigh with relief. Both Cristina and Shauna walk in, huge smiles on their faces, and an abundance of assorted snacks in their arms. Tobias and Zeke help set them up on the small, round wooden table. Zeke claps his hands together, "Ok everyone, let's sit in a circle and get started!" I guide Uriah off of the couch and help prop him up with pillows against the wall, so that he is still apart of the circle. "I want to go first!" Uriah says, sounding slightly dazed. He turns to Christina, "Candor or dauntless?", "Candor" replies Christina, she is biting her lip. "Pansycake" Uriah mutters before preceding. "Who do you like?" Christina's face turns a rather bright shade of red, and she slips off her jacket. "Tris, Candor or dauntless." She says without making eye contact. I nervously consider my options. "Dauntless" I finally say. I can see an evil twinkle in Christina's eyes and am suddenly frightened. "I dare you to kiss Zeke." I immediately slip off my jacket, my arms feel bare without it.

We go back and forth with truths and dares for a while, most of them are lame and simple. However, I am worrisome about Tobias. The group keeps singling him out and keeps asking what his real name is. He just slips off an article of clothing, however that is running out fast, soon he will have to answer. Zeke turns to Tobias, "What is your real name?" Tobias hesitates before standing up and leaving. He doesn't say a word. He simply put his clothes back on and left. Everyone stares dumbfounded at the door.

After what feels like hours of silence, I walk out to find Tobias. I turn many hallways, before I realize where he went. Despite there aching, I will my legs to walk to the lobby. I look around the big room, and see the broken sculpture. I am surprised that no one has cleaned that up yet. Finally, my eyes land on a him, his elbows on his knees, his face in his hands.

"Why couldn't they just leave it alone" he says without looking up. I sit down next to him and lay my head on his hunched over shoulder. "They are curious. They don't know how dangerous your name is, to them a name is nothing more then something that you are called by, but for us it is different. Our names represent a past, filled with both wonderful and horrible experiences. You didn't become Four just because you liked the name, you became Four because it was a way to detach yourself from those awful memories, and start a new life as a Dauntless prodigy. Just remember, that Tobias Eaton has done some pretty amazing things as well. And that I don't love him out of sympathy for being an abused child, I love him for being him." He lets his face out of his hands and smiles. "I love you Tris." He says. "I know" I sigh.


Hope you all enjoyed! Please remember to comment and vote! :-)
(P.S. Please leave comments on whether you want their baby to be a boy or a girl.)

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