Chapter 8

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I walk back slowly to the little room. Thoughts of sleep cloud my vision. As to avoid people, I take narrow side hallways. Breathing in and out the dusty air, occasionally dim flickering blue lights hang above, I am reminded of Dauntless headquarters. Oddly enough I find this dusty, dark place comforting.

My footsteps make an odd, soft squishing noise on the moist, uneven ground. I keep walking, until I hear something. Voices, a male and a female. "Did you bring it?" Says the female. "Depends, did you?" The males voice is low and cruel. "This is no time for games Logan, we need this information or the Allegiant is finished!" The female sounds bitter towards the male named Logan. "I don't have it on me right now for obvious reasons. Meet me tonight in the city, 8 pm by the Ferris wheel." Spits Logan. "Fine" says the female. I know her voice, it frustrates me that I can't register it with a name. I hear footsteps grow closer to me and quietly sprint back the way I came. I keep trying to identify the voice, it sounds so familiar. I sprint, only a few more hallway separate me and the little room. Who was that? My mind is racing, my legs ache. I know that voice. I gasp for breath. I've met her before. Only a few more yards, I can see the door. I twist the copper nob and open the door to see Tobias reading a newspaper and everything clicks. Nita. I stand halfway in the door, frozen with shock. The women who tried to get death serum, who almost killed David, who tried to steal my boyfriend, is working for the Allegiant?

Why is there still even an Allegiant? What purpose would they serve? The Bureau is now memory wiped and no danger to the city, and people are free. No longer are we sectioned into one stereo type based on a faction. We are whoever we want to be. Whatever the reason for the Allegiant, it can't be good.

I slowly nod off my shock and close the door behind me. I realize that Tobias is staring at me with an extremely puzzled look. "What?" I say, trying to sound calm and nonchalant. I can still see the curiosity in his eyes, but he just shakes his head and replies, "Nothing".

I will tell him what I overheard later, he is already on edge with the baby on the way, no need to pile on more worry. I try to convince myself that it was nothing, that the Allegiant are just a silly little group that is no more harmful then a fly. But I know better.


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If you like my story, I suggest that you read my best friends as well, it's called What If? (Divergent No War)

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