Chapter 13

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(The wedding 'reception')

Natalia flares her little arms as if to join in on the excitement. Uriah (of course) just had to announce to everyone that Tobias and I were just married. The dining hall is now full of congratulations, and yelling. Many dark bottles are passed around, and I realize that these people don't really care that I was just married, they just needed an excuse to get drunk.

Either way, I sit happy, Natalia squirming in my arms, And Tobias's arm wrapped around my waist. I laugh as Tobias takes a small chunk of cake and smears it on my face. I respond by using my free hand to pick up my plate, which has a large piece if cake on it, and shove all over his face. I can hear muffled laughs as he peels the plate from his chocolate covered face. He wipes a piece of cake/frosting off of his cheek and eats it. I laugh, and soon laughter fills in all around us. People begin to throw cake at each other, and soon enough, we are in a food war. I grab a handful of cake and throw it at Christina, it lands right in the middle of her chest. She looks pretty angry for a second, and then flashes a wicked grin. I don't even have time to duck, before my white dress is stained with a large, brown chunk. Pretty soon, we are all throwing cake and laughing hysterically.

By the end of it all, I am more chocolate then person. People are still throwing food around us. I look down and see a happy, chocolate covered Natalia. I turn to Tobias, he is just as coated as everyone else. He takes my hand and pulls me close. "I love you" he says. "I love you too." I say, and with Natalia on my side, and chaos around us, we kiss.


I really loved writing this chapter! Please remember to comment and review. :-)
I would also love to thank my 250 incredible readers! You guys are incredible!

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