Day 3 Chapter 5

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Voice Mail #1: hey Lexie, I miss you. Why don't you visit - (Stop)

...#12- Lexie, Alexa's asking for you.. Why don't you call back we miss - (Stop)

...#24- Come on, your family misses you, I won't push you trough anything now I promise. I love you sweety.

Oh did I mention you? I have a twin sister, my overly perfect sister, mom's favorite of all time.

"Why don't you be like your sister? She's got good style why don't you learn from her."

"lexie why don't you get a boyfriend like lexa, so you could have been experienced?"

What the fuck eh? Seriously we were 15 that time she said it, and what would she expect from a geeky daughter she should 'Deal With it.' Ugh

"look at alexa, why wouldn't you be like her? Blah blah blah fuck you!"

Alexa's so perfect that mom didn't even realize she had another daughter 3 years ago, amazing huh?

So why would I visit them when they didn't even realize Alex Hayes when she's not even famous 2 years ago, I don't like people who just gave a shit and notice me because I was famous and can make my own money, go to places I would want.

I remember a few months ago my mom was bragging about me, it's a miracle right? Then for the first time Alexa was left out right in and there at our family dinner, now I feel her annoyance when she's the one to be bragged about.

Thank God I turned eighteen and live on my own, I pretended to be sad but inside I was jumping up and down screaming freedom.

To be honest I miss Alexa too, we've been distant lately... because I'm too busy or she's busy 'Hanging out' at least she's on my side and gave me sympathy when mom's comparing us oh well at least she's cooperating with me. Ha-ha

Actually I miss my mom too, a little bit and our lovely home where I grew up.

Maybe I should visit them since it's nearly ...

23rd of February.

9th Death anniversary of Alexander Hayes, My dad.

So it will be 9 years since he died in our car accident, I was in 3rd grade I think?

Flashback 8 years ago-

We were going on a camping trip with my dad since its weekend and dad has no work he planned us on a camping trip just the three of us bonding together, mom's too 'busy' she had work on weekends I doubted she's not a nature person that's why she didn't come with us.

My bag was twice as big as mine like alexa's and we were struggling going down the stairs because it was too heavy and it contains many snacks with some stuff we need for camping, we were on the drive way and dad was laughing at us.

"Dad stop laughing and help us!" I and alexa both shouted at him so we too laughed because we always sync at our sentences.

Dad approached us and got our bag and put it on the backseat.

"About time." Alexa said "Thank You." And I said while climbing in the passenger's seat. Dad smiled and ruffled our hair.

"Dad I just combed my hair." Alexa said. "Oops, girl thing." He smirked and got in the driver's seat.

Alexa and I are both in the passenger's seat, we buckled our seat belts while dad was warming up the engine.

"You ready my girls?" He said then we nodded excitedly. And we drove of the drive way.


We were on the highway singing some king of travelling song, we were so happy even if it's just the highway we never get bored.

You're the reason (GirlxGirl)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ