Say you like me.Chapter 8

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Day 12

Working out, i cant go out at my condo. Besides where should i go?

I hate myself for waking up early, I hate that i didn't turned off my alarm clock.


My manager just called when i got home yesterday, scheduling me for an interview. I declined, pfft. Its part of my 'take a break' and shit.

I called Kirsten yesterday too, just twice but she doesn't answer. Whats wrong with her anyways. I have to find out, sooner, or Later.


I'm so done working out well for now, I need it though.. I passed by the mirror and stopped to check out myself. 'Damn, I'm hot!' haha, am I that cocky? Of course not because I'm really hot.

I really want to go out today, Dear God please help me.

I was taking a shower and put my hair in a messy bun after blow drying it, it's so boring seriously.. I don't have that much friends I can't make friends because of my career, hmm how about prank calling my fans, well most of them are teenagers which are ongoing classes right now, naah how about live stream, that would be cool.. Except I would be talking to my laptop and read the viewer's comments, since I'm bored I'll take it.

I took my laptop and sat down on the living room setting it up, but before that I'll go get a drink.

Watch me I'm on Live Stream guys, :p >link<. (Tweet sent)

I've got some reply's I assumed it's the students who were in class right now.

@alexhayes-Why Alex! Why? this time we have classes?

-Promise to stream later, when were dismissed! Lol

-I'm so lucky right now. I love you haha.

It was 10 minutes since I started streaming I was talking and singing for the viewers some ask me questions and make me do dares. Well it's for the fans, I'm used to this, at first i think I'm crazy because i ain't talking to anyone but my laptop, time goes on and i feel comfortable.

My phone was ringing and this time I read the ID caller, 'Kirsten Anderson'

"Excuse me for a minute.i got to take this call." I said to the viewers and smiled

I rubbed my eyes and answered right away.

"Kirsten! Why weren't you answering my calls?"

She was sobbing "i-I'm sorry, Can you do me a favor?"

"are you crying again? Whats wrong? What is it?" I said and stood up from the couch.

"can you pick me up at school, if its okay." Kirsten said.

"be there in 15 minutes. bye"

I logged off at live stream and ran to my bedroom and changed to be sure I put up my glasses and not bothering to fix my messy bun and got to the parking lot,

i seriously like this girl, she has effect on me big time. i don't know why i was rushing to pick her up in the middle of her classes i feel like she's important and i swore I've seen her before but i cant determine where,

i got to her school exactly 15 minutes, she was outside and i got out of my car and approached her, she was cold her eyes were red from crying i think.. when she saw me i hugged her tightly and she put her head down on my shoulder, then i lead her to the car. she still looks beautiful the last time i saw her she's still the same.

"I'm so sorry to bother you right now,sorry i didn't answer your calls and called back,sorry-"

i cut her off and gently held her hand and looked at her. i could hold her hand forever,

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