Falling Star

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The butterflies in front of her scattered quickly as Nia turned her head behind her. Lincoln held a smile as he watched his sister become entranced by the butterflies. Since she was small, she loved venturing out and looking at the world around her.

"We better get going."

Nia looked back at the butterflies before getting up and walking beside Lincoln. She straightened the strap of the quiver of arrows on her back as they began their journey. The pair decided to go hunting that day and gather the supplies they would need.

"You left early again."

"Wanted to see the butterfly field real quick."

They spent sometime picking herbs before they came upon some tracks. Nia decided to climb a tree for a better view while Lincoln continues on the ground. In the distance she was able to pick up on a deer. She glanced down at Lincoln who pointed in the direction, with a nod she headed forward. She raised her bow but before she could release it, a sound from above brought her attention.

A blaze of red shot through the sky. Nia looked at it in amazement as she watched it come closer to the ground. The more she looked at it she could make out an odd structure. Her curiosity peaked more and more. Finally, when she lost sight of the ship she made her way down the tree. Lincoln helped her down wondering what they had just witnessed.

"Did you see that, Linc?" Lincoln nodded once while glancing in the direction the ship went.

"Let's check it out." Nia said moving in the direction. But she didn't get far as Lincoln grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"We don't know what it is. It could be dangerous, Zhalia." Lincoln stated simply.

Nia sighed as she knew that Lincoln's mind was made up but an idea popped into her head. "The clans would have seen it. Lexa is probably on her way already, she would want information on whatever that is. We're the closest, we could inform her."  Nia said with reason.

Lincoln sighed knowing that she had a point. "If we go, you stay by me. No wandering. We go there see what it is and come back, agreed."  

Nia nodded rapidly as a smile slowly made its way on her face. Both turned and ran in the direction they had last seen the ship.

Soon enough they had could smell the smoke. A couple minutes later they could make out the structure between the trees. The siblings glanced at each other before looking at it in amusement. They stood a few feet away and slowly Nia raised a hand. As soon as her hand touched the structure a sound from the front made her jump. Lincoln grabbed her arm and they quickly made their way to the brush behind them. They moved to a place where they were covered but were still able to see.

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