The Truth

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Octavia had waited by herself for any sign of the door opening to let her in

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Octavia had waited by herself for any sign of the door opening to let her in. She had been mad at Indra and Lexa for abandoning them there but right now she had to figure out a way to get inside.

A sound from the chute above got her to her feet as she awaited for whatever to come down. A body slid out and landed with a gruesome thud.

The sight of brown hair made Octavia nervous. She had heard of what happened to Fox but looked at the body she couldn't help but feel scared that she had lost a friend. The two were developing a connection as they trained as seconds.

With the tip of her sword she moved the hair that covered her face. Instead of see the face of Fox she saw the face of another girl who she had only talked to once or twice.

The sounds of footsteps hurrying down the tunnels caught her attention. She took a defensive stance awaiting any threat that might pop up. She let down her guard when she saw the blonde come into view.

"Octavia." Clarke addressed shocked to still see the girl there. "You stayed."

"Screw you. Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie." She countered to the girl who was suppose to lead them but instead had left them for dead.

"We have to get in there." Clarke stated wanting a shift in the conversation. 

"If that was possible do you think I'd still be out here?" This time she allowed the blonde to look at the body that had just come down. Clarke started at it, emotions rushing through her.

"Why did Lexa sound the retreat?" Octavia said confused as to why they would change their mind.

"She made a deal with Mount Weather. Freed the Grounders. Now we're on our own." Clarke explained briefly still anger at the method Lexa had chose.

"Stop. They'll know were here." Octavia rushed forward to stop Clarke from banging on the door.

"What about Lincoln and Nia?" Octavia questioned knowing that the two wouldn't stand by while they got slaughtered. "There's no way they would've gone along with this."

"He didn't. They took him." Clarke answered simply leaving out any indication of Nia. Not wanting to answer any more questions she pulled her gun and aimed for the keypad.

Octavia pushed the gun down shocked to see how Clarke was acting. She had always been the rational one.

"What's wrong with you?" She wanted an answer for the strange behavior.

"I am getting through that door." Clarke said not providing an answer to her question.

"And that's your plan? Bellamy's counting on you. Everyone always been counting on you." She stated. Their friends were inside being tortured for their blood. They were counting on them to be level headed and to not get caught. They were their only option.

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