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Finn had pulled Nia the whole way

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Finn had pulled Nia the whole way. During the beginning Nia was silent but once her sense kicked in she tried to protest but Finn only sent a glare her way. Something was changing inside Finn, Nia could tell by his eyes. She tried to figure out how she could change their minds. That brought Nia's attention to Murphy, maybe she could speak with him.

When they stopped for a moment and Finn wondered off Nia saw that as an opportunity. She mumbled against her gag and caught Murphy's attention. He looked at her hesitantly before deciding to take off her gag.

Nia spoke quickly knowing that Finn would be back any minute. "Murphy listen, this village in innocent. It has families, children. I don't know why he would tell you this village but he's lying. He told me himself. If the commander had your people you'd know by now. Don't do this please." She informed and begged hoping he'd listen to her.

She didn't receive an answer as he covered her mouth back up and Finn appeared. Soon they found themselves back on their trail. Murphy would glance back at Nia and it made her hope that he would listen to her. But Murphy didn't speak up or turn around as they kept moving and sure enough they were on the outskirt of her village.

"I count 26." Finn said looking through his gun's scope.

"I got 28." Murphy said as he looked over to Finn only to look at Nia. He sighed in defeat as he remembered their earlier conversation. "These people don't look like warriors, Finn. Just kids, old people. There's nothing big enough to hold our friends."

But Finn didn't seem to listen to reason. "They could be underground. We wait till dark. Then we go in."

"We go in?" Murphy questioned before trying to reason once more. "Finn, we don't even know if our people are here yet."

"They're here. Or they were when that Grounder took Clarke's watch." Finn stated.

"What if we're too late huh? I mean they're probably already dead-" Murphy stated only to be cut off when Finn grabbed him out of anger. The action started Nina, he was unraveling and it was dangerous. "Take it easy."

It was silent for a moment before Finn spoke up. His words brought fear into Nia. "How much ammo do we have?"

"You know, I think I liked you better as a peacemaker." Murphy commented and Nia couldn't help but agree.

Bellamy waited with Clarke as the others were in a council meeting. His mind wandered to Nia. Was she okay? Was she harmed? Octavia and Fox told him about her and he wondered if she really was an enemy. She had saved them more times than he could count so why did he treat her like a hostage. His thoughts were broken when he heard Clarke talk.

"What? No. You can't just cut them loose." She exclaimed arguing against their decision.

He continued his pacing when he heard Abby's reply. "We don't have the manpower to sent out two separate rescue missions and protect our camp."

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