Inside the Mountain

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Time seemed to be endless as he sat in the cage too small for his rather large built

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Time seemed to be endless as he sat in the cage too small for his rather large built. Not once in his life did he ever think that he would find himself inside the Mountain. Growing up they had heard stories about what happened in the Mountain but not one did he think he'd experience them.

Alec was a good fighter that's why they had asked him to help train the younger ones. He liked being able to help them fight for not only themselves but for the ones they love. The little always had a strong spirit and when they train them when their small the better fighters they become.

But now as he sat in his cage he wondered about what had happened since he had been in there. His thoughts drifted to Nia. Was she safe? Was she alive? Even though they had called off their relationship he still cared for the girl deeply hoping that one day they would work things out. Another part of him told him to move on but the love he had wouldn't budge. 

He wanted to keep his mind off of everything that was happening to him. He hated the process of being drained of his blood. He wanted to fight but he couldn't and he hate it.

His eyes were closed as he tried to rest his body from the recent draining he just had. A noise brought him back to the horrid reality he faced. The Mountain Men were bringing more people inside, a few he recognized and a few he didn't. But one face stood out among them all.

It was the guy from the dropship when they first attacked. He wasn't sure if he knew Lincoln or Nia better but he couldn't help but notice how his eyes lingered on Nia. But why was he here among the Grounders?

Alec waited patiently as they loaded them up in different cages hoping that they put him in the cage next to him. But since he was asleep he needed to wait to ask what was going on outside their confinement.

As he waited he didn't notice when he himself fell asleep. It was only for a moment before a loud noise woke him up. Beside him Bellamy had awoken and was tried to get out of his cage. Before he could say anything about it the girl on the opposite side spoke first.

"Quiet. They take the strongest." She said hoping it would stop him from making any more noise.

Bellamy was still trying to clear his vision as he didn't notice who had been caged next to him. His eyes first settled on the girl next to him before looking to his right. That's when he noticed Alec beside him. He remembered him from when he had told Octavia to leave and he had knocked out Fox to get her to leave.

"I can't...I don't understand you." He told her as he realized she was speaking their language.

"Sky person?" She questioned as she moved forward to him. It only took a moment before she spit in his face as he nodded his head.

"I take it no one had told you we're not enemies anymore." He said as he wiped the spit from his face.

Alec was surprised by what Bellamy had said. The last he knew they were trying to kill Skikru so to hear that they were working together shocked him. "What happened?" He said pulling Bellamy's attention.

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