Lies and Deceit

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Everyone stood still waiting for their cue to attack

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Everyone stood still waiting for their cue to attack. With the dam under seize they could only hope that they could execute their plan. To get their people back they needed to get into that mountain.

"As soon as those lights go off, you push that button." The Sargent for Skikru said to Clarke. The detonation button in her hand.

"We'll do the rest." Lincoln commented after.


Meanwhile with a team of 10, Nia made her way through the trees. Jade close behind still learning on how to use the trees to her advantage. All of then hoping to spot any sign of the team they were to ambush.

It wasn't till the crackle of radios brought their attention to the right. The ones in the trees paused their movements while the ground group crouched low.

Movement caught her eye as she focused on the group down below. From what she could count 15 made their way through the brush.

One of their own warriors suggested bringing more warriors with then but Nina chose against it. Bigger crowd meant more attention. More lives lost. So using her knowledge based on Alec's information she chose warriors who were skilled at silence and quick movements.

In order for them to stop this group they needed to neutralize them. Made them unaware of their surroundings.

She nodded her head at the scout who would play the distraction. Knowing his cue he hopped up and made a break through the woods. Twigs snapped and branches rustled as he made his presences know.

Shots fired in his direction but being quick on his feet helped as the bullets shot passed him. She let out a sigh when he disappeared behind a set of trees.

Unknown to how many they were the mountain group followed after. Thinking that he might lead them to more of them. But really tried to get them out of range so they wouldn't call for back up.

A small smile crept onto her lips as she watched them follow behind. Their attention drawn to the front of them, they wouldn't expect an attack from behind.

Carefully and quietly the warriors began to follow after.


Back at the main door the main group was under siege. The power had gone out but when they pushed the button nothing happened. Clarke had realized what they were doing and when she went for the door shots from above targeted them, preventing them from getting any closer.

Lexa had sent a team to flank the shooters but all they could do was try and find another solution. Sargent Miller had tried to detonate the hydrazine manually but didn't get close as the shooters shot the barricade down.

It wasn't till their final seconds when Lincoln thought quickly. He pulled an arrow from his bow and lit the tip on fire. Nina was better at the bow than him but right now he needed to make this shot.

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