A Traitor?

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All Nia could see was darkness

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All Nia could see was darkness. She could hear voices around her but they faded out. Nina tried to focus all her energy to open her eyes. When they finally opened she blinked rapidly trying to figure out where she was. From what she could tell it was a room in one of the huts they used for healing.

The voices came back and Nia could tell they were coming from the room beside her. Groans left her mouth as he lifted herself off the table to stand. Her sore muscles screamed for her to stop but she needed to know what was happening.

She used the wall for support as she walked along. Finally she came upon the doorway. Inside she was able to make out Anya and Alec with 2 others. But what surprised her was Clarke and Finn standing beside a table.

No one had noticed her presence yet so she crept quietly. The closer she got the more she could tell Clarke was tending to someone. It wasn't till a couple more steps when she realized who it was.

"Tris." She said softly but her voice carried to everyone in the room.

Clarke and Finn held a look of surprise as they looked at Nia. She had bruises on her arm and cuts on her face. By her injuries they could tell she was close to the bridge as well.

Alec made his way to her side and supported her weight. Anya simply stood and stared at her.

"Nia." Clarke said making a move for her but the look Alec sent her made her think twice. "What happened?" She questioned despite knowing the answer.

Nia didn't get a chance to answer as Anya answered for her. "She was on the bridge as well. In fact she tried to get to Tris before it blew."

It was silent for a moment as Anya stepped beside Tris. Everyone rushed around when she informed them Tris was hot. Clarke started speaking of a transfusion and went for Anya who refused. She turned to Nia who nodded weakly only to be stopped by Alec.

"She's lost too much blood already." He said tightening his grip on her. "She's weak. She needs to rest."

Without waiting for an answer he turned and left with her. Nia tried to protest but it was no use. She closed her eyes and took in a breath of air as they got outside. Alec led her away from the hut and set her down beside a fire. It was then when she realized she didn't know how long she had been out.

"Alec?" She questioned once he set her down. "How long have I been out?"

"2 days." His answer made her eyes widen. But before she could speak a voice called out her name. Arms wrapped around her neck as Nia turned to look. She glanced down and saw the brown hair she had seen a couple days ago. Nia smiled as she hugged the girl closely.

"I'm glad you're okay Jade." Nia said once she pulled away.

The three entered into a conversation before they were interrupted. Shouts came from the direction of the hut they were previously in. It turns out Clarke had killed the guard watching her and escaped. Nia knew she wouldn't get far with all the traps they had placed around the forest. It was one of the reasons they used the trees so much.

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