Chapter 1

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A/n: hey guys! Thank you for reading my book! Before you start I've noticed a lot of people reading them out of order. If that is how you prefer that is totally fine but, I feel there is more payoff if you read them in order. Here is the proper order for the series. I know it seems like a lot but, I promise if you saw the tags for this book and decided you were interested you will love this series.

Book 1- When the Pieces Fall
Book 2- All the Things Between us
Book 3- Lay me Down to Sleep
Book 4- Twelve Steps Forward
Book 5- Ourselves and our Posterity
Book 6- The Beginning

I've been here a long time. It is almost always dark and I am terribly afraid of the dark. Anything can hide in the dark or in this case nothing at all. I've never been so frightened or alone before.
It's a small space too. If a lean up a few inches I hit my head on something hard. If I really stretch I feel walls pushing at both of my hands. A carpeted floor scratches my back. I am suffocating.
It smells terrible too. I have been locked down here with no shower or toilet for so long.
Over my head is a creaking sound. I think I'm under a bed. I hear it when he has sex and he does a lot. I think he put me here out of perversion. He wants me to hear him. It makes me sick.
That was my first thought when he took me. I knew I was being kidnapped by a pervert.
The worst thing though is I feel a terrible pain when he does it. The agony is so intense it forces me into silence.
Luckily he isn't 'busy' now. I feel no pain except in my mind. This kind of sensory deprivation does things to me. All I can do is listen to him.
He is in bed right now but, he is not asleep. I hear the clicking sounds as his fingers touch the keys of his phone. I think he's texting.
I try to imagine him as he must look. In my mind's eye, he is laying on his side propped up on his elbow. Maybe his hair hangs in his eyes frustrating him. I think he's wearing a neutral expression. From when he opens a little door in one of the walls I've seen that he has dark blue walls and a black comforter.
I like it better when he has the tv on because then I can listen to people talk. The worst is when he leaves and there is no sound.
Boredom is killing me. Sleep is better. I close my eyes- though it makes no difference- and try to dream.
Pain wakes me. He's having sex. The bed creaks loudly. Her voice is annoying. He's been with this one a few times before.
After what feels like hours they finally finish and she leaves. My pain dues down but, I still weep silently from it. I don't want to make a sound. I want only to disappear.
He groans overhead and gets off the bed. I hear his steps leading out of the room. Then silence.
He returns shortly later and walks to the side of the bed. Light floods through as the little door open. He slides through a tray of food.
"Can you hand me the tray from earlier?" His rough voice asks. I slide him the untouched food careful to keep my hand out of the light. I don't want to be seen. He groans.
"Come on it's been a week since you've eaten, aren't you hungry?" He asks. I don't respond I never do. This is usually when he drops the subject.
He sighs, "if you don't eat I will make you". I stay quiet.
"Please mate, I don't want you to die", he pleads. After a minute with no response, he sighs and closes the door.
He called me mate again. He does that. I don't think he knows my name. He did it the day he took me too. That's the only time I've ever actually seen him. I was walking home from a friend's house when it happened. I had just suddenly felt something behind me. I turned and there he was less than a foot from me. I jumped back in fright. He seemed to growl at me. Then he said it.
I saw his eyes more than anything, they were hardened with fatigue. There was a small pale scar on his brow bone. His irises seemed to glow pale green. For a moment that was all, I could see.
Then, he grabbed me breaking my trance. He restrained me against his chest and ran. He was careful to keep my eyes covered the whole way despite my struggling.
I felt him enter a house and run up the stairs from where he walked into a new room. I heard him lift something before dropping me and whatever it was he held.
I've been in this hell ever since.

 I've been in this hell ever since

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