Chapter 15

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  I freeze in his hold. He loves me? How can he say that? Surely, I misheard him. He can't possibly love me. There's an infinite amount of evidence proving that he can't possibly love me, but despite all that, he's looking at me with so much vulnerability right now.
No, I can't let myself fall for this. I ignore the way my heart is fluttering and step away from him. Immediately his shoulders sag and his previously hopeful gaze drops to the floor.
"Yeah, that's fair", he says, " I can't exactly expect you to just accept me right now". He glances back up at me with a small smile. I know it's fake and he sort of looks like he's about to cry. Honestly, I feel the same way I'm just hiding it better. I have no idea why I feel this way. The man in front of me as a monster who's hurt me so many times. How is it that I so badly want to be back in his arms? When did I become so weak?
I clear my throat before saying, " are we going to talk about you breaking into my house?".
"Yeah we probably should", he sighs.
"After you had gone to the hospital, I started to realize what I'd done, and I missed you so much. I didn't want to scare you I just couldn't be away from you. I was planning to just quietly exist around you and gradually introduce myself more. Then I noticed you weren't sleeping or eating. I was worried and thought that it was because of what I've done before. I thought you would start to feel safer and get healthier, but then you hurt yourself. I hate what I did that day. Was the most awful thing I could ever have done, and I know you don't even understand it. You will though, and I think you'll hate me for it even more".
What does he mean? What did he do? Did he mean when he bit me? I'm fine though. I bring my hand up to my neck placing my fingers where he once put his lips. Sparks fly through my body at contact and I pull away.
"You tried to kill me", I say, " how can you say that you love me when you wanted me dead?". If I'd thought, he looked guilty before that's nothing compared to now. He stares down at his feet and starts digging his nails into his unbandaged arm.
"I don't know how to act in this situation", he says. That's it? He doesn't know how to behave?
"That's your excuse? You don't know how to act", I exclaim, " you're a grown man, that is no excuse". His jaw clenches notably. I take a couple more steps back.
"I need to go", he says before storming out of the room in a hurry. He's gone before I can say a word.
I don't know where he's going off to, but if he really is gone then this could be my chance to escape. I turn and go the opposite way of where he went. I wonder around his giant house for about fifteen minutes before finding a door.
Opening the door I step outside. I feel like it's been forever since I was outside. The last time I can really remember it was when was the day I was walking home, and that didn't go the greatest. I have no idea how long I've been here for. He drugged me so I could have been asleep for days. Right now, though it looks like it's just turned tonight. If I had to guess I'd say it's maybe eight in the evening.
His entire house is surrounded by forestry. There's a whole parking lot on the side of the house full of nice cars. The driveway leading up to this place looks more like a road.
I like to take one of the cars, but cars always have GPS in them these days, meaning he could track me. I begin walking down his driveway.
Once I'm some distance from the house I look back over my shoulder and see the house is a giant four-story building. Who is this guy? Maybe this is why the police never did anything about him, he must be a rich and powerful man.
I continue on my path off of his property. I hadn't realized that the road leading to his house is a half mile long. In my adrenaline filled brain the walk seems to take forever. When I turn on to the main road, I see there's nothing else around. All there is is more forest. All I can do now is keep walking and hope I find someone who can help me.
I continue walking along the dark road for only another fifteen minutes when I hear a twig snap to my left. I immediately turn at the sound expecting the worst. What if Apex found me?
Through the darkness and foliage, I still see two glowing green eyes. The beast comes closer and steps into the clearing of the road with me. I freeze at the sight of the giant black wolf in front of me. The creature looks to be made almost entirely of teeth, claws, and muscle. With everything going on and all the possibilities of death constantly being thrown at me it'd never crossed my mind that it'd be a wolf that would kill me.
The wolf approaches me slowly. It comes right up in front of me and sits there just looking up at me and wagging its tail. The thing is acting more like a puppy than a ferocious beast. Tentatively I put a hand on its head and slowly pet it. It closes its eyes and relaxes into my touch.
After a while of petting it I start to relax and sit down. He puts his head in my lap and I continue petting him down from his head to his back.
I feel so safe and comfortable. I don't know how, but at some point I manage to fall asleep petting him. It's been a long time since I felt any kind of protection.

 It's been a long time since I felt any kind of protection

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