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CHAPTER 7 | Memories

(^ A pic of our adorable and innocent Zacky boy. This is more or less how I picture him. Tell me what you think.)

9 days later

It was Thursday. I have been avoiding Mark and his minions these last days. I avoided all eye contact with him, and as soon as I saw him approaching, I'd run like mad with my friends. They were also helping me avoid him. It can be said that we all avoided him together.

I think I was even starting to lose interest in him. The less I looked at him, the less I was in love with him. Why to like someone who hates me? Moreover, knowing that that someone was another boy, and he was completely straight and wouldn't fall for me by any means.

The best will be ignore him and forget he even exists. It still made me feel a bit sad, but whatever. This was for my own good.

Right now I'm sitting in the cafeteria with Vincent and Jaida, waiting for Amber. I had noticed that Vincent had been quite flirtatious with Jaida, ever since he met her. Like he liked her and wanted her to be his girlfriend. That didn't bother me, though. But I don't know why I felt a slight feeling of jealousy towards him. I also liked Jaida, she was the prettiest girl in the school in my opinion.

A few seconds passed and finally I saw Amber entering the doors of the cafeteria, with that joyful aura and that smile she always has. She walked directly to our table and greeted us all.

"Hey guys, how is it going? Fine? Great! Look, I need you to help me with something really important." She said as she sat down and pulled out a notebook from her bag.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I've got this really hard math homework with equations and all that creepy stuff, and I don't understand a single damn of it. I paid attention in class but even so I couldn't get it. Worst of all is that I have a test next week! So that's why I've come to you, Vin, so you can help me."

Vincent looked at her confused. "...You're telling me?"

Amber nodded her head.

"Uh, what makes you think I can help you with that?" He asked.

"Duh, because you're the nerdy one of the group. You wear those glasses and you always say smart things. You obviously know how to solve this thing."

Vincent gasped. "Excuse me? Are you stereotyping me?"

Amber raised her brow. "Stereo- what?"

Vincent rolled his eyes and I shook my head, laughing a little. Amber can be crazy and fun all the time, but sometimes she's a bit too dumb.

"You're saying I look like a nerd, and that I'm supposed to know it all about any subject. But the truth is: I'm not a nerd, I use these glasses because I just can't see well, I suck at math and I'm only good at English and History. So, sorry but I can't help."

"Ow, what a shame." Amber made a sad puppy face. "Now I'm going to fail the test, I will fail math, and I will have to repeat the year! I don't want to end up like Mark!"

Jaida laughed. "Don't worry. I can help you."

"Really?" Amber asked.

"Yeah. Not to brag but, I'm the #1 student in my math class. And I like math."

"Wow. I envy you." I said.

"We all do." Vincent agreed.

Jaida chuckled. "So, do you want me to help you or not?"

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