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CHAPTER 27 | Second


You've probably been wondering how I've been feeling with this situation of Mark glaring at me when I greeted him. You probably know it already, though. I feel upset, disappointed, sad, but most of all: confused. I didn't do anything so he could glare at me like that. As much as I try to remember something I did that could have made him feel so mad with me, I can't come up with anything. Because clearly, I didn't do anything.

If I remember correctly, he was the one who was acting strangely a day before. In the locker room, I tried my best to act normal and not look at his perfect bare torso. But for some reason, I noticed he was being a bit nervous by the way he talked. He even touched my chest ever so slightly, but even so, his touch felt so damn good!

Then, before he left to go with his friends, he gave me a bear hug, which I loved so much because those tingles and electrical shocks were there the entire time we hugged. I don't know why he did it. He doesn't give people those bear hugs, right? He even stuttered and blushed after he broke our hug. That's absolutely not how Mark acts normally! It's not like I don't like to see him stuttering and blushing, I mean, it's so freaking cute when that happens to him, but why did it happen?

That's how he acted the day before he went all angry and evasive on me. Amber noticed this and she told me that he was having another of his mood swings. That has to be the most efficient answer to his behavior. Probably something happened at his house, or with Scarlet that made him upset, and when he gets mad with someone, he gets mad with everyone. At least that's what I want to believe.

Now he has invited us to this party. I'm only doing this for Amber, really, because I didn't enjoy last party at all, except when I got to kiss Jaida. That was the only good part. But now, neither Jaida nor Vincent are going. So, to not let Amber go alone, I have to go with her. Why does she want me to go with her, anyway? She knows I don't like parties. I'm not important in that party. Besides, when Mark invited us, it was clear on his face that he didn't want me to go. He said it made no difference if we went or not. He clearly doesn't care about me anymore. What happened to my nice Marky?!

Once again, I'm afraid to even look at him in the eyes. I feel like he's going to hit me and call me those names again. All because of that hateful glare. And it was only me who he glared to, because I saw he was acting all nice with other people. It's only me who he's angry at. It's only me who he's avoiding. But why?! I didn't do anything!

If touching my chest or hugging me was what bothered him, he should be angry at himself, then, because he was the one who did those things, not me. But I bet his pride, his ignorance and his arrogance don't let him face the mistakes of his own actions. And let's keep in mind that hugging or touching someone a little bit is not something bad. It's just that Mark gets pissed over the simplest thing that he does. I don't even know if that's the reason why he's mad at me, but what else could be if he only acts like that with me and not with anyone else.

I feared that the day when he changed to his arrogant attitude would come. But I kinda knew that he couldn't be nice and friendly forever. I just hope that today he's fine again. That it was just a single mood swing that lasted a day. And if not, then I hope we can talk things through, so he can tell me what's going on, and see if I can help him with whatever that's bothering him. We're still friends after all, he can trust me to tell me whatever he wants. And if he doesn't want to talk, then I'll wait for Monday at school. This is just not going to stay like this. That is, if Mark doesn't make another scene at this party and starts crying about his reputation like a drama queen.

"Oh my God, this Elliot just won't shut up!" Amber said as she typed on her phone in frustration.

"Why do you still talk to him?" I asked.

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