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CHAPTER 44 | Temptation

The ride to the club was kinda awkward. With Herman and Scarlet in the back seats without saying a single word, and Rupert on the passenger seat doing the opposite thing: talking and talking about random stuff. I simply nodded or gave short replies to what he said, so he didn't feel like he was being ignored.

Once we got to the place, I parked the car and we climbed out of it. From here we could hear the music blasting and making the concrete floor buzz under us. Skylar didn't ride with us, she said she would be here soon on her own.

We didn't have to wait too much before we saw a motorcycle approaching rapidly towards us. Its flashing light blinded us for a second, but then it came to a stop at an empty spot of the parking lot. The girl on the vehicle removed her helmet and Skylar's blond hair was blew away from her face as she did so. She was dressed in a black jacket, black jeans with chains, fingerless gloves and black boots, like a typical biker girl.

She climbed out of her motorcycle and approached us. "Hi." She simply said, eyeing each of us.

"Hey, Sky! Glad to see you again!" Rupert saluted happily. He whistled as he took a look at her motorcycle behind her. "Wow, your motorcycle is really cool. I like it."

"I like it too." She answered and Rupert chuckled. "So are we getting into this party or what?"

"Yeah... Let's go." I said, motioning for them to follow me as I started walking.

"Oh, we're gonna have so much fun, now that we're all together once again!" Rupert cheered.

"Yaaay." Said Scarlet with fake enthusiasm.

Skylar made some conversation with Rupert as we walked, asking him where he was moving to and why. He answered to all of her questions, his voice sounding a bit sad in occasions, but then it returned to his normal one. I wonder if Skylar still feels angry with us for what we did. She doesn't look angry with Rup, so maybe she has forgiven us. I'll have to ask her and see if she wants to join our group again.

As we approached the doors, there was a man leaning on the wall next to them. He was looking in front of him, smoking a cigarette. A chain was tightly tied around his right wrist, and the other end was tied to a collar around a Rottweiler's neck who was sitting at his side. As soon as I saw the evil creature, I stopped in my tracks, feeling as anxiousness and fear washed over me, even more as it started barking loudly, making me jump.

I gulped, trying to not let my fear to be too evident on my face. Much to my relief, Rupert continued walking so he was in front of me. He smiled a bit as he stared in awe at the creature, as if he had never saw one.

"Aww, what a cute doggie! What's its name?" He asked the man.

The man turned to him, taking his cigarette out of his lips and blowing out the smoke. "Her name is Nemesis."

"Wow, such a cool name. Can I touch he-" He said as he lifted his hand and brought it close to the dog's head, but he quickly pulled it back when the creature almost ripped it off with a vicious bark.

The action made me take an instinctive step back, making me bump into Herman who was behind me. I turned to him and he gave me a weird look. I cleared my throat, trying to seem as calm as possible, but with that thing there, I could only think about everything that it would do to us if we didn't move out of here right now!

"Well, nice to meet you too, Nemesis!" Rupert shouted sarcastically.

"Rup, stop acting like an idiot and just get in!" I told him hurriedly.

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