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CHAPTER 57 | Strength

Thank you all so much because this story has finally hit 10000 reads ♥️ I love y'all!

Some months later

"Do you think he will like them?" I asked, turning towards Amber.

"Of course he will. He ALWAYS likes to wear those." She replied.

I turned to look back at the pink panties that I was holding on my hands.

Nah, just kidding.

I was actually holding a pair of boots, which looked pretty cool. They were a grey color with a nice design all over them. They totally look like Mark's style.

Today is a very special day for me and Mark, you have probably guessed why already. We're not only going to celebrate that we're five months together now, but also his birthday. This date has been tightly pinned to my brain since the day he told me, that's why I never forgot it. I can't believe it's been two months already that we're together as a couple. I never thought I'd be in a relationship this long with anyone. It's a wonderful feeling. Everything has been going perfectly fine between us these last days, except for that discussion we had a month ago. But since then everything has been beautiful.

Right now I'm with Amber at the mall to buy some gifts to my Mark. I made sure to get up from bed very early and very carefully as to not wake him up and that he would notice, which was kind of difficult seeing that his arms were tightly wrapped around my body like a boa and his face was hiding on the crook of my neck. But seeing that he's a heavy sleeper, I managed to climb off him without too much of a difficulty.

I already bought some gifts, and even though I have spent a considerable amount of money, I still haven't had enough and I'm now in the clothing section to buy more. I want this day to be perfect and I want to see that dazzling smile on his face from beginning to end of the day.

"Okay, then I'm taking them." I decided, turning to look at the lady who walked over towards us. "Do you have these in size 14?" I asked her, showing her the boots.

I heard Amber gasp behind me and the lady nodded, saying that she would be right back as she turned to walk away. I turned to look at Amber and chuckled at her expression.


"Are Mark's feet really that big?!"

"Well, yeah. They are."

"Damn, he's such a beast... But you know what they say about big feet, do you?" She asked, smirking and wiggling her eyebrows.

I chuckled. "Yeah, his junk is pretty big too."

Amber burst out laughing, smacking my arm. "You perv!" I laughed too. "It surprises me that you think it's big. I mean, way back when we were dating, I remember he had a baby dick."


"Yeah. The few times we did it I was never satisfied, and now I realize he wasn't too, because obviously he wasn't into me. Not into any other girl in general." She said, and I just nodded. "But I'm pretty sure that now that you say it's bigger, I don't doubt he satisfies you a lot, doesn't he?"

I blushed. "Uh, yeah... Remember I can satisfy him too." I reminded her. I couldn't believe we were talking about this stuff at a mall.

"I still can't believe Mark let's you bang him. But I guess it's fine as long as you both like it, right? I've also heard that some guys have more fun that way."

"You have no idea."

A while later, the lady came back with the boots and she put them on a box. I paid for them and for every other piece of clothing that I had picked. It was the first time I saw myself shopping for clothes at a mall, but at least they were for a very special person.

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