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CHAPTER 45 | Revelation

Waking up in an unfamiliar place with a naked guy hugging you wasn't something of every day. Even more knowing that that guy was my best friend, and that he had confessed his feelings for me before I fell asleep the previous night.

Turning my head slightly to my left, I found Rupert's sleepy face resting on my shoulder, breathing softly on it. The events of last night came back to my mind and I remember just how hot that was. We didn't go all the way, it was more like a wanking session, but still. I also recalled the words that he whispered to me last night, and I still couldn't believe that he had said them.

He loves me... He really does... Does he? But he can't love me!

What we did yesterday was just the heat of the moment. A one night stand, that's all. There's only lust going between us. Well, at least that's what I see. But it looks like he thought of something more than what it really was. He loves me, but seriously, I can't love him back.

I don't know if he will remember what he said when he wakes up. Maybe he meant it, maybe he didn't. He didn't sound drunk when he said it, but I can't really tell. I must say that it felt a bit weird hearing that confession from him. He had sounded so sincere about it, and that's what worries me the most. Other girls had said that to me too, but never sounding as sincere as him. Or maybe they did, but I don't know... When he said it, it felt different.

As I said, I can't love him. I just can't. Firstly, I still see him as a friend... With benefits. I don't see him as my boyfriend, or as my future husband, or as someone who I want to spend my life with. No. There's a difference between lust and love, and I don't think I can share those feelings of love for him. Now, he can't love me, because he's leaving TODAY, to another city. I mean, how dare he confess his feelings to me when he knows he's not going to see me ever again? That's just going to break his heart even more... And I don't want to hurt his feelings.

I groaned as I ran my hands down my face. Damn it, Rupert! I just hope that he forgets what he said to me. Yeah, what if he doesn't even remember. As long as I don't tell him and as long as he doesn't remember, it'll be fine... Hopefully.

The voice of a woman yelling something was heard at the distance. Her voice was getting louder as she seemed to be walking up the hallway while knocking on all the doors. "Everybody get outta there, come on! Get up, get up, get up!"

The knocking and her loud voice finally reached our room and she banged on the door loudly, yelling the same thing over and over again. That was enough for Rupert to let out a loud snoring sound and I felt him move beside me. I watched as he unwrapped his arm from my chest that was covered in our now dry cum and he rubbed his eyes with his fists. He yawned loudly, stretching his arms and legs before his eyes opened and they landed on my own.

He smiled brightly at me, an emotion in his eyes that I hadn't seen before. "Good morning, my love."


I resisted the urge to groan in annoyance and I sighed instead, returning a rather bland good morning. Rupert shifted to his side so he could caress my chest with his hand and never pried his eyes off me.

"You know... This can sound a bit rushed to you but... After what we did last night, I really liked it so much and... We didn't even go all the way, heh. But anyway, what I wanted to say is that... I-I really meant what I said yesterday, about... You know... I really am in love with you, Mark... And I was thinking that... If you want to... Y-You could be... You could be my boyfriend?" He stuttered, his eyes full of hope that I felt kinda bad for him.


He really meant it! He didn't forget it. Now he wants me to be his boyfriend! What do I do? Argh!

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