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CHAPTER 33 | Suppression


I can't believe I've done this! I kissed a boy! A male person! Someone of my same sex! Someone with a... d-d-dick!

Stupid Mark. Stupid Mark!

It's not my fault! I needed to know if I really liked him or not. The only way of knowing that was by kissing him. The result? Absolutely not! I didn't like it!

Sure, it does feel... A bit good. Just a little. It feels like kissing anyone else. Only with him, it feels... Different. It feels weird. He has some kind of things with him that feel like sparks, and those sparks make it feel... How to explain it... Nicer than normal. I mean, why don't I feel those things with Scarlet?

Right. Perhaps because she's already used, and I have kissed her lips a lot that I have consumed all of her sparks. I'm sure everyone has these sparks on their lips, don't they? And they run out once you have kissed them enough. Well, tomorrow I'm going to test that. With another girl. I don't care if I feel like cheating on Scarlet... Or on Zack.

Wait, what the hell? Zack and I aren't even dating! How the hell am I going to feel like cheating on him? That stupid kissing session is only so I can get rid of my confusion and this ridiculous fag phase once for all... But the most I do this with him, the more I feel like... I want to keep doing it over and over again. I had never felt like needing someone's lips on mine the entire time only by kissing someone. And with Zack... I feel that. I don't know why. I'm not supposed to be feeling that towards him!

I finally arrived at the parking lot, where my car was waiting for me. I unlocked it with the key and opened the door. I sat on the driver's seat and shut the door. I gripped the steering wheel, but I wasn't driving. I couldn't help but let my mind drift off to that specific moment.

I can still smell his scent all over my body. I can still feel his delicate lips pressing against mine. I can still feel his small hands traveling up and down my bare torso, that although they were cold, they contrasted so well with my warm body, creating an unusual yet so delightful feeling. I can still feel his tongue inside my mouth, and I swear I went insane at how good that had felt, that I couldn't help but ask him to do it again. I can still hear ourselves moaning and aching for the touch of the other.

I feel like a part of me is empty when he's not around. I feel like I have to be with him at any second. When he's close to me, my insides go crazy, making my heart thump heavily and my stomach flutter as if I had insects inside. I don't know why it's him who makes me feel such things. These feelings get stronger with every passing day, and with this thing of kissing him, the feelings increase and with so much force. Why is my body making me suffer all this?! Why can't I feel this towards a girl?! Why can't Zack be a girl?!



I screamed when I heard someone hitting my window. When I realized it was no one else than this stupid Rupert who was laughing his ass off, I opened the door and glared at him.

"Rupert! What the fuck?!"

"You... You should have seen... Your face!" He said as he clutched his stomach from how much he was laughing.

"You idiot! That wasn't funny!"

"It was!" He said, recovering from his laughter. "I had never seen you so scared."

I just scoffed and went back inside my car. I'm not in the mood for his foolish jokes.

"Hey, can you give me a ride home?" He asked before I closed the door.

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