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CHAPTER 41 | Perceiving

I stood there awkwardly in front of him. I don't know why I did that. It's just that when he revealed that he was gay... I felt the need to kiss him to know what I felt, if I liked it... If I was gay.

The result? Well, it didn't feel as good as when I had kissed Zack. But it had felt better than kissing a girl... So maybe I do am gay...

I gulped and shifted nervously as Rupert just stood there, staring at me. I took a few steps back, and decided to... I don't know, apologize for what I did, tell him to forget about it, anything. But just to make this situation less awkward.

"Rupert... I'm... I'm sorry... I didn't-"

But I wasn't expecting that he would place his hand on the back of my head and shut me up by placing his lips back onto mine. Now I was the one who was surprised by his action. He had his eyes closed and was kissing me fiercely, waiting that I did the same as him. And after a moment, I did. I gave in and closed my eyes too, placing a hand on his back to pull him closer to me as I kissed him back, and he happily responded by pushing his chest against mine.

He started taking steps forward, making me step back, without breaking the kiss. I stepped back until my legs touched something behind me and I fell onto the bed. I was heaving and watched as Rupert threw himself on top of me, almost smashing me with his big size. I was still bigger than him, but he wasn't small either. As soon as his clothed chest was touching mine and he positioned himself between my legs, he pulled me into another full kiss.

I placed a hand on the back of his head to deepen the kiss. Rupert wasn't embarrassed about the sounds that came out from his mouth as he kissed me, because he let them all out. While me, I was fighting hard to keep my own moans inside me, as much as I was liking this, I didn't want to let out a simple sound from my mouth. I had never heard Rupert making that kind of sounds, and I never thought that hearing them would be such a turn on. They sounded better than the moans of a girl.

But then it was my turn to moan when Rupert started grinding his hips against mine, and I instantly felt how the hard bulge under his pants brushed against my groin, making my pants get incredibly tight too. I had never had another guy's dick so close to mine like this, and I never thought that it would feel so damn good.

Rupert started to use his tongue to lick my lips, and I moaned again as I felt that wet piece of flesh brushing against them and demanding entrance. I was unsure at first, but everything was feeling so good at this moment, that I let him have what he needed and opened my mouth to grant him the access. He eagerly pushed his tongue inside and ran it all over my mouth, and I couldn't keep fighting to hold my moans at this moment, as I started to push my hips up to rub my hard against his, while running my hands down his clothed back. That caused him to pull away to let out another loud moan. I took advantage of this to slip my tongue inside his own mouth and did the same as him. I explored his viscous and hot mouth with my tongue, earning muffled groans from him.

"Oh God." Rupert moaned shakily as he pulled out from the kiss, gasping. "You kiss so damn good. Now I see why all the girls go crazy for you." He said before he went to slam his lips back against mine.

The girls I had been with always told me they liked the way I kissed... But I didn't know it had the same effect on guys too.

Rupert switched his attention to place kisses on my chin, then to my neck. I could sense he felt the vibration of my voice as I moaned softly with every kiss and bite that he left on my neck. Next thing he did was to grab the hem of the shirt I was wearing, and he lifted it up to my chest, letting my abs and my pectorals exposed to his eyes. I watched as that lusty look never left his eyes, and he licked his lips hungrily as if I was the most delicious dessert he had ever seen. He used his big hands to run them over my abs, then up to my pectorals to pinch my nipples. I had to cover my mouth to muffle the moan that escaped from me when he did that.

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