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CHAPTER 20 | Thanks

Ok, we didn't reach 25 votes, BUT we're getting closer to 200 reads! Thank you ^.^ So here's this chapter for the few of you who are still reading ;)

Sometimes, at the end of classes, I liked having some time for myself, walking around the many peaceful places this school had to offer, and others that were just a little bit agitated, like the soccer field. This one is usually filled with the players who run and kick the ball all over it, giving certain commands to each other like Pass me the ball, and wanting to score a goal in their teams and simply have fun.

It's rare when you find the bleachers full as well, with girls and boys cheering loudly for their preferred teams, and even throwing things at them. It doesn't matter if it's not an important game what they're watching, they simply like doing it. It doesn't look like the players themselves care about who is watching them or not. I think they just play for fun, or to make those bodies of them bulkier than they're already are.

I must admit, this was one of my favorite places to hang around. Mostly because of the eye candy I get to receive from the many hot guys who wear those tight shirts and shorts. Then I remember how sexy Mark had looked that day before the party, when he was wearing those exact same clothes, and I couldn't help but look at the uncovered parts of his body every now and then. And oh, those tattoos on his neck and arm that made him look tougher and ruder than he is now.

My feet kicked the small rocks that covered the ground as I strolled around the place. A light, cold breeze hit my body, making me shudder. I hugged myself a bit tighter, digging my fingers in the small hoodie I was wearing. It was a cloudy and kinda cold afternoon. The players didn't seem to be affected by the weather, though, probably because of how much they exercised by playing soccer, and that made them feel hot. Literally.

After a few minutes of walking, I decided to leave. Before that, though, I caught a glimpse of someone sitting on one of the bleachers. Having a better look, I realized that was Mark. He was sitting with his elbows resting on both knees, his cellphone in one hand and he was scrolling down through I don't know what.

It was the second time I saw him sitting there, all lonely. The first time being yesterday when I was walking with Jaida around this same place, and he had called me. It was a bit odd. Mark wasn't someone to be alone, never. You always found him hanging around with his friends, with the soccer players, with other popular people, with me... Well, not always with me. But alone? I wonder if he had a fight or an argument with his friends. What if the crazy things Mark did at the party did ruin his reputation after all?!

It couldn't be that. He just looked normal, quietly scrolling through something on his phone with his thumb, occasionally cracking a small smile and then going back to his serious face. If something had ruined his reputation or anything of the sort, I think he wouldn't take it so casually. He would be crying his ass off like a drama queen.

Mark and I's relationship wasn't a 100% friends yet, we were actually more like acquaintances. I think we were slowly getting to know each other more and then finally become true life buddies. I still didn't have so much confidence to go over him, wrap an arm around his shoulder and say Hey bro, what's wrong? Why so lonely? Like a real friend would. So, maybe he doesn't want anyone interrupting whatever thing he's doing, so I'll just not barge in his personal issues and let him be.


Or... Maybe not.

I hesitantly turned to that voice that I recognized so well. He was looking away from his phone at me. He made that same gesture with his hand, indicating me to go over where he was. How did he even see me? He was so immersed in his phone just a while ago. Maybe he heard the sound of the gravel being pushed by my feet and that caught his attention.

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