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CHAPTER 38 | Melancholy

Another trigger warning.

"How the hell did that happen?!" My dad yelled, stepping out of the house and looking at the poor state of my car. Pft, so much drama only for the damaged front and a few cracks on the window.

"I didn't see a car and I crashed against it. But I was quick enough and managed to hit the brake before it could get worse." I explained as I stood beside my car, trying to look calm.

"What do you mean that you didn't see the car? How can you be so stupid?!" He snapped at me.

"Fred!" My mom scolded him, stepping out of the house too and standing next to him. "Don't talk like that about your son!"

"But just look at how he left the car!" He said frustratingly, throwing his arms up at it.

"And have you ever bothered to ask about how he's feeling? You care a lot about the freaking car but you don't even ask him if he's okay! What if he had died there?!" My mom argued.

I wish I had.

"It's just, argh!" My dad ran a hand down his face. "Are you drunk or what?"

"No... I just got distracted."

"Distracted?! Mark, you know pretty well you never have to get distracted while you're driving! I can't believe you did this. You had never made a stupidity like this before! What the hell is happening to you?"

"Leave him, Fred." My mom interrupted, walking to my side. "I will talk to him. Go back inside and stop getting mad about useless things. What matters is the health of our son."

My dad sighed. "And the owner of the car you crashed against? What did he say? Did he tell you to pay for the damage?"

"It was an old woman. She just yelled at me and drove off." I told him.

My dad shook his head. "Well, don't you think I'm going to give you the money to fix that damage." He said before turning to head back inside the house.

"I don't need it." I mumbled, but I doubt he heard me.

My mom stayed silent for a moment, rubbing a hand on my arm before bombarding me with questions. "Are you okay, Mark? Did you hurt yourself? Where does it hurt? Do you want to go to the doctor?"

"I'm okay, mom." I said, taking some steps away from her, then realizing that I had sounded harsher than I intended. "I'm okay." I said in a softer voice. "I just hit my chest, that's all."

"Are you sure you don't want to go for an examination or-"

"No, mom. Really, I'm fine. Let's just go back inside." I urged her, not wanting to keep talking about the subject.

She sighed but she followed me inside the house anyway. As soon as I got inside, I ran up the stairs to my bedroom, ignoring the calls of my dad who asked me where I was going. Duh, to my bedroom, obviously. Where other place in this house would I want to be right now.

I closed the door behind me. I placed my hands on my head and started pacing around my room, thinking about everything. First, I didn't find Zack's grave in that cemetery. I don't know where he is. Second, his friends and his supposed aunt are mad at me and they clearly know I did something. I'm starting to guess that maybe they noticed the hits and bruises on his body when they found him, and the first person they suspect of leaving those bruises is me. And perhaps they haven't called the cops on me because they're not a hundred percent sure.

Now, I have this accident that nearly kills me. My dad is pissed, my mom worried and they both have no idea of what the hell is going on with me. I know they won't stay shut for long, and someday they won't stop bothering me until I tell them the reason of my demeanor. And I don't know what I'm going to tell them when that day arrives.

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