Author's note 2

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First of all, I want to say thank you very much to every and each one of you all, beautiful readers. I really appreciate that you have taken your time to read my story, for your votes and your nice comments. To all of you who accompanied me during this whole journey from the first chapter to the very last one. Thank you for getting this far. It means a lot to me ❤️

I can't believe I actually managed to end with Zack and Mark's story, the story of these two confused lovebirds in a world that has difficulty to accept people who love their same gender. It was a pleasure for me to write each chapter and make them as good as I could for my few fellow readers out there. You were the main source of my inspiration to continue writing. I know and I recognize that my writing is not the best, but I tried to 🧡

I started this story around September 2018, and ended it on June 16, 2019. Almost a whole year. Mostly because of how long the story turned out to be and also because of my slow updates 😅 But in the end I'm glad I finished it 💛

I don't expect this story to reach a million or so views, but I do really appreciate the support you've given to it. I really just started writing this story when the idea and the whole plot appeared in my head, and I thought that it would be nice to put those thoughts into writing, and so I decided to give it a try. This was my first bxb story, so I wanted it to be as good as I could. It wasn't that easy, mostly because English isn't my native language, but then again, I tried, and I must say I feel pretty satisfied with my work 💚

I still can't believe this story has come to an end. I used to write this story almost every day and thinking about possible cute scenes between these two, and it honestly saddens me to know that I won't write anymore about them. But at least I'm glad for them for starting their new life, being always happy. 💙

Many times I read some of the old comments I've received on this story, and it makes me feel really good with myself when I know that other people enjoy what I write. Even though I noticed many stopped reading halfway through the story, or some even at the first chapter, I still thank them for at least opening my story. Once again, a really big thank you for the bottom of my heart to each of you who are reading this. Lots of virtual bear hugs and kisses for you all 💜

Okay so, that was the end of this story. I'm planning to make some other ones that I have stored here in my head, these ones being less angsty, with less depressive scenes and all that, and maybe focus on adding a bit of humor (beware, my humor sucks). But as for Zack and Mark's story, I think this is the end. I planned it to be a standalone story only, and I never thought of making a sequel. I don't know, if it gets requested a lot, I might make one, but I'm not entirely sure.

And yeah, I think that's all. Again, thank you all to everyone for reading this story and for your support. I hope the best for you all and I wish you to be happy now and always! Bye! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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