Author's note

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      Hey, my favorite wattpad people. It feels so good to be back.

    This book was one of the rare ideas that popped into my head when I was watching a Christmas movie at home.

The movie made me realize that I had NEVER read/watched a Nigerian Christmas story and it really got me thinking.

     Christmas celebration in Nigeria is bleak compared to other countries and the whole thing made me want to give it a try.

  My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the decorations, the trees and that wonderful festive feeling about it, and it gives me great joy to share a part of it with you.
                      Still your number one writer

P. S.  My book isn't edited yet so you might notice tiny flaws. I'm not perfect and sometimes I might unconsciously overlook them,  so I'll be correcting mistakes whenever I can.

Anyway, What's your favorite holiday? What do you like about it?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on that
                                                  Bye lovelies

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