Chapter 3

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Cover by Emptybutterfly

Chapter 3

November 29

Entering the large office Wunmi, Stella and I shared, Wunmi's nose crinkled when she saw my hungover state. "You look like hell."

I pulled off my sunglasses and slumped in my seat. I threw my head back and let out a slow sigh. "I feel like hell. Hangover's a drag. I'm just glad the headaches are over. Remind me next time to stay away from alcohol."

"Who lets themselves get drunk during work days?" Wunmi snorted.

"Someone whose best friend just got engaged."

Wunmi's eyes widened. A wide grin fell on her face.  "Mipo's getting married? That's amazing."

Wunmi and Stella had met Mipo a couple of times and they all got along pretty well. "Yeah. And you're all invited."

Wunmi teased. "You don't have a choice. How won't you invite me? I'm your main work girl. I'm your favorite co worker."

I threw my head back and laughed "You are crazy. You know that, right?"

Stella walked in with her laptop tucked in her arm. I had always loved how cool tempered Stella was. It helped to even out Wunmi's feiry personality. Stella's only in her early thirties, but she acts wiser than her age. It doesn't help that she always had her glasses on, making her have a more mature outlook as she was presently dressed in a grey skirt suit and black heels. Unlike Wunmi who was petite with a lighter skin shade, Stella was graceful and tall, having dark skin enclose her body. "what's gotten you all so excited?"

"Mipo's getting married."

"Oh wow. That's really wonderful. My regards to her."

Wunmi piped in. "I better get my asoebi money ready o."

"Exactly. Let me gather the money now in case I'm out of the job."

Stella raised an eyebrow. "And why would you be out of the job?"

"Tomorrow's the last day of November and I don't have any bright idea for the December edition."

"How about we all brainstorm together, like we used to before? You've helped us in our time of need, so it's time we returned the favor."

I sent her an appreciative smile. "Thanks but I don't even know what Mr Lateef wants."

"He wants something different. So do something symbolic. Like a Christmas edition. I haven't seen you do a Christmas piece. It would both surprise and impress Mr. Lateef."

My mouth twisted in displeasure. I never realized that Stella noticed. "I'm not a fan of Christmas."

Wunmi looked taken back. "How can you not like Christmas?  Everyone loves that time of the year."

"I just don't. That's all."

Stella frowned slightly. "That's quite unfortunate though. Every writer has to connect with their write-up. Festivities always connect with the readers."

Wunmi added. "She's right. Especially in Nigeria, people don't joke with their Christmas chicken"

"You've got to give Nigeria readers something to connect with and also give the foreign readers something to wish they have."

A idea popped into my head. Though a part of me wished that I kept it to myself.  "Like a Nigerian Christmas Fiesta. I can write on that."

Wunmi clapped. "that's an amazing idea, Abigail . I did read one time, years back about towns that celebrates Christmas insanely. You can put that in. Do you know any town like that or we can just google it?"

Yet again the displeasure I felt again resurfaced, reminding me of the dread I tried to avoid. "I do know a town. Specifically an estate. Its nickname is even Christmas town."

"we have found our winner. The winning town."


Stella shot me a confused look. "Why do you look upset about it? You just found the answer to your problem. The solution to everything."

I forced a smile upon my face. I didn't have a choice anymore. Keeping my job came first to me. Even more than being back to that damn town. "I am excited. It's a relief to me right now. ".

But that was a lie. I couldn't admit the truth. I couldn't tell my coworkers who knew nothing about my personal life that my mom lived there. That Linda Duke lived in Christmas town.


Whenever I needed to clear my head and think of brilliant write-ups, I usually go to my favorite cafe each Saturday for that.

Cafe D'angelo sold the best morning coffee and the tastiest morning meals that anyone could ask for. The place wasn't usually so busy and the calming effect I got each time I entered the place, made me fall in love with it the more.

The place was run by an elderly couple I had grown fond of and I used to make casual conversation with their youngest 25 year old unemployed son, Dare.

Dare usually unabashedly flirted with me and I never really minded. It sometimes felt good to be reminded of your appeal by the opposite sex, even when you're not even interested in the person.

And Dare's flirting wasn't any different today "Here's your usual cup of coffee with a little love in it."

I heard his mother yell from afar. "Leave the poor girl alone."

I laughed as Dare gave a charming grin. "Thank you for the coffee."

Dare sat down opposite me, relaxing comfortably in his seat. "Where are you traveling to next? Please tell me it's an exotic island."

I winked at him playfully. "That's a surprise."

Dare scoffed. "You are such a tease."

"Yes I am. You'll find out like everyone else through the magazine. I will give you a hint though. It's in Nigeria."

Dare's eyes widened, clearly surprised. "I never knew you could do it in Nigeria."

"There's a first time for everything." Though I chose not to mention that my first writeup in the magazine company was in Obudu cattle ranch. I liked seeing how he admired my job and all the places I got to travel.

My new information seemed to get Dare excited. It surprised me. "Now I'm really interested in what you have to write."

I gave a wide grin as I took a sip of my coffee. A part of me hoped that my readers would be as excited as Dare was.

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