Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
Dec 17

Movie night was one of my favourite, so far. Maybe it's because it's the only event I get to spend time with Ayo in my arms or because I love watching Christmas movies. Or both. Whatever it was, it got me feeling ecstatic. The hall was filled with couples of different ages and the whole place had a romantic ring to it. Even Sarayah and Nosa chose to come here as part of their date night while Mom decided to stay at home with Colin.

I had already taken pictures before the movie started, knowing fully well how dark the place would be when it begins. Unsurprisingly, we were watching a hallmark Christmas movie and I found myself already loving the movie's plot line.

As we watched the movie, Ayo whispered "Most of these movies are insane. What sane guy runs in the rain for hours to meet a woman? These movies just give men unrealistic standards to meet"

"Maybe it's their way of saying that love makes you do the impossible. It doesn't have to be exactly like that"

His smile became smug "I thought you were a realist"

"Having expectations can also still make me a realist"

"I think you're contradicting yourself"

I roll my eyes at him "I know what I mean. Just cause I'm a realist, doesn't mean I should accept mediocre behavior. I'm also human too"

"True. But do you believe any of the bullshit they put on rom-coms?"

I mused "I believe people should fight for their love. Giving up is too easy"

"Look who's sounding so wise. If I didn't know your age, I would have thought you were over 70"

"It doesn't even sound like a compliment anymore. How can say that I seem like I'm over 70? Or do I already have wrinkles on my face?"

Grinning, he answers "Yeah. I think I can find a couple on your lip. Let me wipe it off for you"

Then he pulls me closer, enveloping me into his mind blowing kiss. He whispers as I stare at him in a daze "All gone"


Dec 18

Growing up, Mom had this crazy rule during Christmas. We only put up our Christmas tree a week before and a week after Christmas. So our tree would only be up from dec 18 - jan 2. It was her rule we followed whenever she was in Nigeria and unfortunately, today was December 18 so we had to wake up pretty early to set up mom's beloved tree.

Rubbing his eyes, Nosa yawns "What are we doing here, again?"

"On Christmas day, there's an award for the most decorated house. I'm always placing 2nd or 3rd but this time I want to win. So I devised a plan"

I mutter "Please don't tell me the plan involves us"

Mom gasps in disbelief "Ofcourse, it does. I know most of the Christmas decorations are already sold so I need us to go far and wide to find the best"

Sarayah yells in exasperation "Far and wide?"

"Yes, far and wide. Let me finish. We would split up into two to cover more ground. Sarayah and Nosa would take their car and check eastwards. I and Abigail will check westwards. It's pretty easy"

Nosa points out "What about Colin? We can't leave him all alone here"

"Do I have to think of everything? Take him with you in the car, for christ sake. Any other question?"

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