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Dec 25 2019

So much had happened within the past year and here I was, experiencing another Christmas that I got to celebrate in Christmas Town, Ikoyi.

As I enjoyed my Christmas dinner with my loved ones, I couldn't deny how much things in our lives had changed within  365 days.

Rose was clutching her little 4 months old lovely daughter in her arms as Alex dotingly looked on. They had named her Alexandria Hope Lawson; obviously named after her father and both parents unabashedly loved her.

Sarayah and her family weren't around now, but they did come for easter earlier this year. Colin was still as adorable as ever and they seemed to have a peaceful life in the U.K. On the plus note, after a long tiring legal battle against the manager, justice was finally served as the manager was eventually fired. Nosa didn't hesitate to leave his club, when everything was resolved and found another club that genuinely needed him (though they paid him a little less) . Sarayah's career was still blossoming, but she did tell me that she wanted to try having another kid by 2021 and possibly retire early by then.

Mipo and Mayowa eventually had their fairytale wedding in June. It took Mipo a while to get a stable paying job and things began to look up for the couple. Few months after Mipo moved out, I finally made a huge decision to move in with Ayo and live in Christmas Town , after eight months of dating. I was glad I moved in at my own pace and it's been wonderful so far.

Mom was still running her pageantry and modelling agency and it was doing really well. She now takes her time to visit Sarayah and I as much as she can.

I do keep in contact with Dad and Onyeka. They still travel the world and see new places, and are very much in love, as they always were. Aunt Carole is still living her peaceful life with her husband and grown up kids. She's always going to be an important portion of my life and my coming back to Christmas town wouldn't have happened without her.

Seyi and her family are constantly doing great. Rebecca did finally win a pageantry and took home the trophy and cash prize. Mom's trying her best to groom her into one of the biggest models in Nigeria, like she did with Sarayah and I had absolute faith in what she could do.

Finally, I was in the arms of the man I loved. We worked through our trust issues. Nothing's ever easy and we always found a way to put each other first. Ayo and I were now doing great. Did I tell you that we finally got engaged? I don't think I did. Well, we are. Ayo proposed on my birthday in October and we decided on a January wedding. I have no idea how we were supposed to plan a wedding in three months but it's been a crazy exciting ride so far. Now that I'm calculating it, I'm getting married in exactly 19 days. Wow. time really flies. Soon, I'll be Abigail Duke-Coker and the thought got me ecstatic.

Living in Christmas town has been really amazing. I have my mom living closer to me and my man even closer. The only stress is the distance from work, but I've managed to make it work. Maybe I would resign and get a closer job. Or maybe I could start my own company. Who knows? Anything can happen and I really wanted to live in the moment, celebrating with the ones I loved and enjoying every moment life had to offer.

The End.
So far.

I've come a long way since this book started and I can finally say that it's over. I have finally published this epilogue (as I promised my readers before. All that remains is a cast list) and now I can face other projects ahead of me.
Are you all content with how the book ended? Did you expect more? I'd love to hear what you have to say.

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