Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

November 30

The ringing of my phone pulled me back to reality as I stopped jogging during my morning run.

I grinned softly when saw the caller ID. "Good morning, Aunty Carole."

Aunty Carole's excited voice rang back to my ears making me grin even more. "Abigail darling. You sound so breathless. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time."

"I have nothing to say to that." Aunty Carole had a crazy sense of humor. It was one of the things that made her so likable.

Her laughter had a timbre ring to it.  "Don't try and act all innocent around me."

I teased back. "I wouldn't dare."

"It's kind of unfair that you no longer call me anymore. I thought I was your favorite aunt. It's been over three weeks that I've heard your voice and it's been months since you've visited. Or did I do something wrong? You can tell me."

"Aunt Carole, it's not that.  I've just been so caught up with work. I hardly find time for anything and I'm so sorry about that."

"I don't get why you overwork yourself so much. You need to take care of yourself. You're a young beautiful woman and you need to see that in yourself."

Mipo had said something similar and I had to hold back a frown. I didn't want to hear anyone dictate how my life would be. I had already had enough of that. "When I need to slow down, I will. Just not right now."

I heard Aunt Carole give a loud sigh and frowned slightly. I didn't like worrying her about me. I didn't want her to be stressed. She was too good of a woman to be stressed. "If you say so. So how's work?  Where's your next travel destination?"

I felt at ease, when she decided to change the subject. "Surprisingly It's in Nigeria. It's Christmas Town."

Her tone changed slightly. I instantly picked it up. "Christmas town? Isn't that where your mom lives?"

"The one and only."

"I'm glad you're ready to see her. At least you'd be staying in her house and you two would be able to co—"

I cut in, before she could have the chance to finish that sentence. I didn't understand why Aunt Carole was so hellbent on patching things up with my mom and I. Aunt Carole and my mom were sisters, but were nothing alike. Like Sarayah and I, they both had olive skin tone but that was where their similarities ended. Aunt Carole was a couple inches shorter than my mom and had gained a healthy amount of weight after childbirth. She had small lips and a somewhat pointed nose to grace her lovely face. "I'm staying in a hotel and I'm not seeing her."

"Impossible. I won't allow that. I'm calling her right this instant that you're coming over and you better not disappoint. What day are you going to Christmas town?"

"Aunt Carole. I'm not staying in her house and that's final."

"I said what day are you going to Christmas town?" She said firmly.

I could hear the anger in her voice and Aunt Carole wasn't one to get angry. Her easy going temperament made her adored by all. I finally gave in, not wanting to upset the peacemaking Aunt Carole. "Tomorrow. I'm only agreeing to this because of you. Not he. Never her."

"She's your mother, Abigail. You can't just erase her from your life completely."

"Then she should have remembered that a long time ago."


Mipo pouted, helping me pack up my clothes into the suitcase. "I can't believe you're leaving me here alone for a month."

"Says the girl that's leaving me in six months to get married forever."


"Thank you."

Mipo playfully tossed a shirt at me, hitting me across the face. "How's it going to be like being around your mom? How long has it been since both of you have had a real conversation?"

"About nine years ago. More or less."

"Damn. That's a long time."

"I'm good at adapting well. Besides, the Linda Duke I know, won't put much effort in trying to know me, so it'll be better. All we have to do is to ignore each other and walk past each other, respecting each person's privacy. Awkward conversations are not my thing."

"That's gonna be a terrible way to celebrate Christmas."

I rolled my eyes. It wasn't like I came to Christmas Town to become friends with her. My job was my priority. Nothing more. "Definitely not as terrible as my mom forgetting and leaving me all alone in her house for weeks till I finally left on my own."

Mipo looked shocked. That was the first time I spoke about that dreadful period in my life. "That was harsh. I wonder how you coped."

"I wonder how I'll cope now for the next one month."

"Just distract yourself as often as you can. Do what you always do. Bury yourself in your work since you're actually there for business and not pleasure."

I shot her a look. "You make me sound like a workaholic."

"That's because you are. It's worrisome."

"You should worry about your upcoming wedding to Prince Charming instead of worrying about me."

"I'm your best friend. Of course I'll worry about you."

I certainly didn't like people worrying about me. Not my coworkers,  not Aunt Carole and certainly not Mipo. It made me feel uncomfortable. That damn feeling running through me a lot lately.

Changing the subject as quickly as I could,  I lifted a blouse from my cloth pile, placing it across my bust and gave her a playful look. "Well, what I'm worried about is if I would end up bringing enough clothes along with me."

"So allllllll these outfits aren't enough for you? Oh wait, I forgot I was talking to the queen of England." Deciding to let our conversation slide, an amused glint flared in her eyes.

I raised my hand in the air and did a faux wave, replying  Mipo with a high pitched british accent. "I'm glad you respect royalty."

Mipo playfully tossed another cloth at me, hitting me again and I recoiled on the bed. Mipo then threw her head back laughing as I joined in, wriggling on the bed. I loved how being around Mipo made me feel like a child again. I sent her a small smile, which she returned. I needed to be ready to face my mom again.

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