Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
Dec 22

The last time I had been to the amusement park was when I was nine. I remember that day vividly and it was probably the last thing my parents did together as a family. We had left home pretty late and ended up going back at night, but I remember riding home with my family with a smile on my face. It felt good having them both around.

Almost twenty years later, I was brought back here, to my fondest memories. Only this time, I found myself going with someone I could lean on. Ayo.

It's funny how quickly I had found myself getting attached to him. There was something refreshing about him. Something that made me forget my fears. Something that made me want to open my heart again. Maybe it was his charming smile or how easy it was to let me into his life or how honest he is to me. Only God knows. Whatever it was, I found it comforting to say the least.

Rose giggled "I can't believe I'm here. I brought my camera to capture every moment when Ayo rides the Ferris wheel"

Alex smirked "Is it weird that I find my wife's evil side sexy?"

Ayo cocked his head "You've always been weird. With or without your evil wife"

I laughed "It's so weird that Ayo's a whole different person whenever you guys are around. He's funnier"

"So I'm boring when they aren't around?"

Leaning close to him, I give a sly smile "I said funnier. Without them, I find you funny..... And sexy too"

Rose makes a disgusted face "You two better not kiss right now. No more PDA"

"Let them have their fun. Their relationship is still in the honeymoon phase"

Rose repeated "No more PDA"

Ayo grinned "No more what? This?". Then he draws me nearer, pulling me close to him and wraps his arms around my waist. I inhaled his warm scent of cidar and pine, enjoying the feeling of him nuzzling my neck. I could tell he wasn't going to kiss me but I enjoyed watching him tease his friends.

Rose swats my arm "Stop encouraging him. You should be trying to make sure I don't take pictures of him on the Ferris wheel"

Ayo laughs, still clutching me in his arms "I expect you to. It's your little revenge after that little incident two years ago"

"What little incident?"

Alex answers for me "Two weeks before our wedding, we decided to have our best friends get-together. We got drunk and partied. Rose got too drunk and ended up throwing up at the back of the car. Ayo got pics of it and put it on display on Rose's bachelorette party"

Rose chimed in "And it was humiliating"

Ayo quipped "You're lucky I didn't do it on your wedding day"

Alex laughed "I would have personally killed you. Trust me, bro"

Ayo rolls his eyes "Let's just start a ride. Which one first?"

Rose's eyes twinkle "Are you really going to ask?


Ayo's expression through out the ride was priceless. He clutched my hand tight and tried too hard not to panic. Rose enjoyed it the most, as she took pictures through out the ride, without leaving out any detail.

Ayo swore "I am never taking that awful ride again"

I smiled at him "It wasn't that bad"

Alex's smile was slow "I bet he peed on himself"

Ayo shook his head amusedly "Enjoy these moments while you can. My turn will be messy. I'll start with you tomorrow, Abbie. We are going to ride a bicycle. I'm going to teach you"

Alex smirked "who the hell has a phobia for bike riding?"

"It's not a phobia. It's just something I never learnt how to do"

Rose points out "Yours might not be a phobia, but there is a real bike riding phobia for some people"

Ayo nods "phobia or not, I'm gonna teach you"

My voice becomes flirty "I love it when you act bossy"

Rose groans "Not again. Time up, you two. Back up"

Ayo and I share similar smirks to eachother. Irking Rose was easier than we thought.

Ayo says "Can we go now? We've only had one ride, but I'm already swamped"

Alex jokes "That's because you're a grown ass baby"

Ayo laughs "Says the man with a giant teddy bear on his bed"

Alex gives an exasperated look "That's for Rose"

Rose glares at her husband, which he returns with a sheepish grin.

I say "If we go now, where next?"

Ayo shrugs "We could go to the town's museum. Is that okay with you guys?"

We all gave our simultaneous approvals, as Ayo added "Let's go, then"


I never knew a small town could have its own museum, no matter how small the museum was. The whole thing baffled me but surprisingly, the museum didn't disappoint me at all.

It was better than I imagined. I was naturally an art lover, so being surrounded by art was extremely soothing to me. Rose and Alex had gone to the other side of the museum to explore, leaving Ayo and I on our own.

"I like your friends"

"They like you too. They even wanted you to stay over for our new year and new year's eve celebration"

My heart blossomed at how much they still wanted me in their lives "I'd have loved to but I promised my dad and my step mom that I'd be with them at new year. Maybe next time"

Ayo's soft smile had me going red "You DO expect us to be together for another year"

I found no reason to feel shy. I did want to spend more years with him "Ofcourse I do. I like you alot"

"I know you do. I like you alot too. For once, I'm not obsessing over my broken engagement. It sucks being swindled but It led me to you. What more could I ask for"

"This is the part where I'm supposed to kiss you, but I can't. Not in front of these many people in the museum. Especially not when that guard is definitely looking in our direction"

Ayo chuckled. That deep timbre always made my insides squirm. That was one of the things I loved about him "I guess we have all the time to do that after this museum visit"

"I guess we do"


Hey everyone,
I've always wanted to know where my readers are from.
I'm from Lagos, Nigeria. What about you guys?

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