Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Dec 13

"A hundred thousand naira for a bid? Isn't that too much?" I had decided to confront Sarayah, the next morning, on her deluded bid to set me up with Ayo. I needed to understand why.

"Lower your voice so you don't wake Colin up. It's still 7 am"

I glared at her but still chose to obey her wishes, so I spoke in hushed whispers "Just answer my question"

Sarayah shrugged, sitting comfortably at home "The other women were going to win the bid. I couldn't let that happen. Besides, 100 grand is nothing compared to what I spend when I'm shopping"

"How benevolent of you"

Sarayah chose to ignore my sarcastic tone "Thank you. Nosa and I always gave to charity yearly and it makes me feel better that I'm also doing a favour for my sister"

"Why did you really do it?"

Sarayah admitted with a somber expression "I know I can be a bit too much and I felt guilty about our argument a few days ago. And you're right, I do say hurtful things without censoring my words. I know I'm a bit of a diva and I'm sorry I can't change that. But I will try to be better"

I relaxed "I never thought I would ever see the day the great Sarayah Duke-Anthony would apologize"

"That was where I was getting to. My initial apology was setting you on a date with Ayokunle, considering the fact that you like him. I planned alongside with Seyi without telling her it was for you, to get him to be a contestant so I could win the bid at the end of the day for you"

I sputtered "I-I-I do not like him. Where did you get that idea from?"

Sarayah rolled her eyes "Oh please, even the blind can tell you have feelings for him and I can't blame you for that. I see the way you look at him. It's cute. To be honest, I can see why you were attracted to him in the first place. He's obviously not as attractive as my husband but he's a real head turner. He also may not give enough sexual appeal like Nosa does, but his looks are endearing enough. So yes, I can understand your interest in him"

I chuckled at Sarayah's attempt at being nice and wasn't surprised that it sounded more like an insult. Maybe Sarayah wasn't as terrible as I thought. Maybe we both truly misunderstood eachother because of our time apart.

Things weren't completely smooth sailing between Sarayah and I, but they were obviously less tense. We still had alot to work on and this was a great start. I finally got to see another side of my sister. The caring side. The side I had missed for so long.


If someone had told me I would find myself blushing excessively on the phone, over a guy, I would have denied it. The old me had given up on trying to make things work with any guy. But here I was, embracing the new me, lying in bed and enjoying a whatsapp conversation with Ayo again.

I felt like I was sixteen again and the feeling was good, to say the least. I rarely had any contacts on my phone aside from my work contacts, my family and Mipo, but now I was having a long texting convo with a guy I was attracted to. This doesn't sound like the regular me at all.

I was careful not to sound so flirty. I didn't want to look desperate so I replied his message as casual as possible "my favorite movie is Annie Hall"

"Annie Hall? Never heard of it"

Gasping at my phone in surprise, I reply "Annie Hall is one of Woody Allen's best work. It's a classic and has a lovely charm to it"

"Most women always say Titanic or the notebook, so I guess your choice is a bit of a surprise"

"I like both movies too, but I'd pick Annie Hall over that anytime "

"Then I'll go look out for it"

"You should. What's your favorite?"

"I'm not much of a movie person so I don't have a favorite. I rarely do watch them. The last movie I sincerely watched and enjoyed was when I was a teenager and that's Star Wars. Ever watched it? "

"my cousin made me watch ALL of them. Even the new ones. I've got to admit, it's really good. From what I can tell, I bet you haven't watched the new ones"

"Guilty as charged. Maybe we can watch them together sometime "

"I'd love that"

Casual conversation flowed between us as we got to know each other, till he decided to chat a bit more seriously.

"You know, I was going to ask you out on a proper date, even without all the auction thing"

"You never acted like you did"

"I was going to, but you were so hellbent on us being friends "

I narrow my eyes, even though he can't see me "You were the one that offered the idea of us being friends, not me"

"You put me at arm's length. I thought that was what you wanted"

I finally admitted, having no idea why I did. I guess I was still so scared of trusting my heart with someone. The whole thought terrified me "What I want scares me. It's really pathetic"

His reply warmed my heart "it's not pathetic. Out of everyone in the world I know how that is. It's okay. How about we take things slow then. There's no rush. We'll start off with a date. Is tomorrow night okay for you?"

"I'm free tomorrow "

"Great, then I'll pick you up by 8 at your place and we'll start off however we can"

We ended our conversation close to an hour later and I was thrilled it ended on a good note. It took every morsel in my body to not jump up and down my whole room. So Instead I opted out of it and chose to go through my whatsapp contacts and was ecstatic to see Mipo online. I immediately video called her and her beautiful face popped up on the screen minutes later

"You know it's past ten, right?"

I ignored her complaints and squealed "I have a date"

That seemed to catch Mipo's attention as she excitedly asked "Really? When? Where? How? You have to give me the details for once"

And for once, I did. Detailing every bit of information I could remember and when I was done explaining, Mipo was the next to squeal

"Oh my God, this is amazing. I wish I could thank Sarayah in person. Do you have what to wear?"

"I don't know yet"

"Girl, it's tomorrow night. There's no more time. You have to look perfect. You have to go shopping. Convince Sarayah to go with you. She's the one that can spot a designer outfit from a mile away"

"I can spot it too and I want to look as casual as possible"

"Please look as graceful as possible for me, will you?"

I chuckled "I will. Only because you asked politely"

"Great. I love you and all, but you need a professional makeup artist. I've seen your make up skills or lack thereof"

"What's wrong with my regular makeup?"

"babe, you don't want to know"

Pouting, I chose to obey what she wanted. It wasn't often I went on dates and clearly, her overexcitement was rubbing off on me "What more do you want to change about me, master?"

Mipo's lips curled up "Nothing for now. I might remember later. But for now, nothing more. Just have fun and enjoy your date. Please, don't scare him away"

"what makes you think I would scare him away?"

She only shot me a look that spoke volume.. She knew me well.

So I rolled my eyes at her "whatever. You can go back to sleep. Good night"

Mipo let out a sigh in relief "Finally. Adios, sweetie"

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