Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Dec 15

Driving me back home, I offer him a smile "I enjoyed our date alot"

He raises a well arched eyebrow at me "Even at the park?"

"Especially at the park. I got to look at the stars, take vodka and eat my favorite gourmet meal. What more could I ask for?"

"Your dress was ruined"

"I never really liked it. Too frumpy"

"I feel alot better hearing that"

He parked his car in front of mom's house. I grin "Thanks for the ride home"

His reply was to place his warm lips over mine. Every kiss sent soft ripples in my innards as I gave a content sigh when it ended "see you later, Abigail"

A sneeze escaped my lips before I could reply. Ayo asked, his face scrunching up "Are you okay?"

I sneeze again, pulling away from him "I'm good. I'm good. I should get going"

He opens his mouth to say something but opts out of it and clamps his lips. I hastily jumped out of the car and waved at him as his car drove away.

Pushing the door open after unlocking it with the key, I jump up in fright when the light turns on and Sarayah is sitting on the couch, cross legged

I glare at her "You startled me"

Sarayah stands up, holding her night robe closely "where's your dress?"

I raise up my nylon bag for her to see "I got drenched by the rain so I got a change of clothes"

Nodding slowly, she inquires "How was the date? I was hoping you wouldn't be coming back home tonight"

"And yet you're still here. You really need to get a hobby. It's past midnight. Everyone is asleep"

"Just answer my question"

"It went well. I really..... ", then I sneeze yet again.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look kinda pale"

Rolling my eyes "I'm okay. I may have caught a cold because I was in the rain"

Ignoring my words, Sarayah touched my forehead and frowned "You're burning up. You must have a fever"

Wrinkling my nose, I state "I'm not sick"

Sarayah pulled me to my room "You're too stubborn for your own good. You should get some rest. You're clearly sick. I'll give you some medicine in the morning"

Snorting at her, I just curl my self in bed, still with my clothes on. Too tired to change into my pyjamas. Too feverish to get up and put off my fan.


Loud voices from the living room pulled me out of my long slumber. Dragging out of bed, I couldn't mistaken the familiar voice that I recognized. It sounded like Ayo. Shaking my head, I refused to believe that he would be here by past 9, conversing with my family.

Delving into my curiousity, I walk out of my room, still in my overnight outfit and my hair out of place, coming face-to-face with Ayo sipping a cup of coffee, looking as flawless as ever.

Mom looks at me with discomfort "Sarayah was right. You do look pale. Even your eyeballs are yellowish. Let me get your pills"

Watching her walk away, I turn to Ayo "Hey. What are you doing here?"

Butting in, Sarayah says "I invited him here. I told him how sick you were and he offered to see you"

He smirks at me "I heard you caught a cold"

"It's nothing"

"Your nose is bright red. You look pale. You clearly have a cold. I did get you ginger tea and Echinacea tea for your cold and it wasn't easy, but I got an Annie Hall dvd. Extended version."

Ignoring Nosa and Sarayah that were around, I lean close to his lips and kiss him in appreciation of his efforts, savoring the delicious taste of his lips against mine "Thank you. I do have Annie Hall on Netflix but I don't mind having the Dvd. Wanna watch it with me?"

"I'd love to", then he kisses me again.

Nosa gives an amused chuckle and Sarayah talks with displeasure "You two should go get a room"

"We're in one. And how the hell did you get Ayo's number to call him over?"

"You don't wanna know"

"Now I'm really interested"

"I swiped it off your phone early this morning when you were sleeping"

My eyes widened as I turn to Nosa "Your wife's a nutcase"

Laughing, he replies "I know. I love it like that"

Sarayah only rolls her eyes "I need to go keep an eye on Colin. He's still watching Disney junior"

Mom walks in, almost as soon as Sarayah walks to Colin's room, holding a medicine prescription in her hand "I got this from the pharmacist early this morning"

I mumble, taking the medicine from her "Thanks ma'am"

She nods her head slowly "You should have breakfast first and take a shower"

I turn to Ayo's direction "Give me five minutes and I'll be back. We'll eat breakfast and watch our movie together in my room"

Nodding at me in response, I walk back to my room, hearing his voice from a distance conversing with Nosa.


I never got the chance to ask, what do you guys feel about Ayo? He's a character I introduced into Abigail's life and he seems to fit in just fine. I'd love to hear your thoughts about him.
I try really hard not to write the "perfect character".. I specifically write about flawed characters because of how realistic I want my characters to be and how much I connect to them on many levels.
Still your fav writer,

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