Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Dec 14

Walking through a thin path with a long flowing dress was alot harder than it seemed. It broke my heart even more when the edges of my dress got stuck on a thorn.

Gripping Ayo's hand, I quickly say "hold on a bit"

Bending over gently, I try to grip on the edges as slow as I can,  but a loud tear sends me falling on the floor.

Eyes widened, Ayo pulls me up "I can't believe your dress tore"

Shrugging, I say "Just the lower part. I can fix this"

I carefully tore the lower part turning my long ball dress into a knee length outfit "Isn't it better now?"

Ayo only gave a slight grin and I could tell he wasn't happy on the turnout of my ripped dress. Clutching my waist, ever so gracefully, he led to the picnic spot he had set up.

Taking in a short breath, I let my gaze linger on the beautiful sight before me and it warmed my heart that he knew me so well.

From where I was, I could spot out my favorite vodka and  mio mix in the basket, alongside my favorite gourmet meal.  It warmed my heart that he remembered that I could only take vodka.

Sitting on the designed picnic table, I grin "This looks great"

"I'm glad you like it"

Pouring the mixed drinks into a glass and handing it over to me, He asks "why do you like vodka so much? It's never anyone's first choice"

"I'm alcohol intolerant. It's the only one I can take that won't land me in the hospital"

"Ouch. How did you figure that out?"

"On my 18th birthday, I spent it in the hospital after taking a bottle of beer. I noticed that I felt pain each sip I took but I ignored it. I thought it was normal. The whole thing drove my dad crazy. So now I can only take vodka and a mio mix to soften the taste. I barely feel pain compared to the others.  I even think I've adapted to it"

"And your mom?"

Frowning, I answer "I remember she was in Vernice with Sarayah when that happened. Sarayah was on the cover of Vogue Italia while I had surgery on my liver. It was a huge deal" I hated remembering that moment. It was one of those days that I couldn't believe would happen to me. It literarily happened on my birthday and no one expected the bottle of beer would have that much effect on my liver.

"Sorry about that"

"I try not to think about it. Let's change the subject. We can talk about any other thing"

"You really hate talking about your mom. Don't you?"

"It's not that I hate it. I just don't like being reminded of everything"

"You're staying in her house with your sister. Everything is going to remind you of everything"

Clenching my fists as tightly as I can "Can we not talk about this, please?"

His eyes furrowed but he didn't argue "If you weren't a photojournalist, what would you have been?"

I finally admitted "Probably a model like Sarayah. I really loved watching her glamorous life, but I couldn't get in.  I guess I wasn't skinny enough for them or something. So i gave up on that. But when I was 15, I was scouted by an upcoming modelling agency, but I refused. I realized that I didn't want to live like Sarayah did. I loved writing and years later, I discovered my love for photography along the line"

"do you regret it? Not taking the modelling job?"

"I don't. I initially did, but I love what I do now. This was long before my dad remarried and I didn't want him to be left alone. I think it was just after my parents divorce and it seemed like my act of rebellion against my mom"

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