Chapter 7

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chapter 7

Dec 2
The parade started almost immediately the town hall intro had ended. Midnight already struck and older adults had left the place in exhaustion, for the young people. Mom had already left the place around ten and had gone home to sleep.

The streets had already been fully decorated with colorful Christmas  lights hanging around the poles and night lights glistened in the midst. The place was bustling with young people who were dancing round the streets. People clutched onto each other and visibly enjoyed the beautiful display the town had to offer. Fireworks display had begun and further  lightened everywhere up.

A lot of people had already decorated themselves with face paint and sparkly outfits and a few others had begun to play musical instruments around. Loud beats of drums was heard from afar as I bobbed my head to the beat, capturing every moment on camera.


I woke up visibly drained from the exhaustion of last night's parade. I was still lazying in bed when mom's knock shot me up from my bed.

  I greeted her, when she entered and she offered a wide smile. "Hi Abigail, I'm off to the market. I was wondering if you'd like to buy anything."

I rubbed my eyes and checked the time. "It's not even 8 yet."

"I need to get a couple of things before your sister comes."

"Sarayah is coming?" I gaped.

Mom pursed her lips. "Oh yeah. It skipped my mind yesterday to tell you. She found out you were around and thought it would be fun to pop up too."

I gritted my teeth, repeating my words in confirmation. "Sarayah is coming."

A sigh escaped mom's lips. "I know you guys don't get along but it would be nice for you two to hang out and get to know each other better."

"You act like you don't know Sarayah."

"I know it seems hard to get used to, but Sarayah has changed. Life has changed her. She's very—"

"Selfish, arrogant, abandoning and enjoys belittling me."

"Just try to get along with her, please."

I glared at her. I always tried to get along with Sarayah, but she was always the self absorbed superstar that thought too highly of herself. "I don't think I need anything from the market. I'm good."


I lied. I did need something from the market but I didn't want to admit that to mom. I waited few hours later for her to go out for work as I dressed myself in a casual outfit and drove to the nearest market.

I'm going to outright admit this, but I love cheese crackers. I always had a packet with me in my bag that I carried everywhere. Daily, I took at least 5  cheese crackers and I was unabashedly addicted to it. So here I was, searching round the shops and stalls around for any place where it was sold but I couldn't get it around here. I almost gave up when I spotted the last packet.

Running towards it, I found myself gripping onto the corners and noticed it hastily being slipped off my hand. Grunting in annoyance, I bent my head to attack my thief and frowned in defeat when I saw that it was a little girl. She looked at most seven years and had big doe eyes. I wasn't thrilled that the little kid disrespectfully pulled it out of my grip  and I was ready to speak my mind and make her apologize.

"Little girl. Do you know how rude it is to disrespect adults?"

The girl said nothing, looked unimpressed and I narrowed my eyes. "Are you even listening to me?"

A deep voice had me whirling around in awe. "Is everything okay, ma'am?"

I wasn't one to be short of words. But here I was, staring at this really attractive man in front of me. His chocolate colored skin color was in contrast to his smoldering dark eyes. His face was defined with a sturdy jawline and high cheekbones that made the sharp features on his face look relaxed. He had worn a dark blue T-shirt over his broad shoulders with an almost matching denim jeans trouser that hugged his legs. His towering athletic build easily intimidated my tall 5"9 height but an air of friendliness surrounding him made him less intimidating.

I cleared my throat, trying to regain my sanity having this man around. "it's nothing, really. The girl can have it. I just wanted her to apologize."

The man walked closer and I noticed that he was checking me out too. I almost groaned in frustration knowing fully well how I looked right now. My usually styled hair was unfortunately pulled into a messy high bun and I had my oversized glasses on. I wasn't expecting to run into anyone I knew so I had worn a super casual sweat shirt and shorts clinging onto my legs. My face were bare of makeup and my present unkempt look compared to the man's gorgeous outlook really made me feel out of place at the moment.

The man held on to the little girl and gave me a simple grin that showed a peek of dimples that had me squirming on the inside. "I'm sorry about my niece's behavior. She's not usually rude. She just wanted the cheese crackers so badly. I think she's addicted to it."

The little girl looked at her uncle, then back at me and nodded. Her doe innocent eyes had tears glistening in them. "I'm sorry, ma."

I sighed and managed a smile. I couldn't imagine getting mad at a cute girl like this. Who also had an insanely attractive uncle, as they both looked at me expectantly. "it's okay. I don't mind."

The little girl looked relieved and smiled. Her dimples matched her uncle's, making her look even more beautiful than she already was.

I watched the girl mumble some words to her uncle and I knew it was my cue to leave. Clutching onto my purse in disappointment, I drove all the way to my mom's house and found myself even more disappointed to see Sarayah and her family already around.


Sarayah's here. I wonder how things will turn out.
It's hilarious to know that Abigail's crazy about cheese crackers. My addiction is cupcakes. What's yours? I'd love to know.

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