Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Dec 14
I stared at my self in the mirror with a frustrated sigh. I looked great. I really did, but I felt a little over the top with my outfit. My dress just looked like I was specially invited by the Queen to the Buckingham Palace, instead of looking like I was going for a casual date with Ayo. I blame Sarayah and Mipo for that. I did look amazing, despite the over dramatic look so that was a bonus at least.

Rapt knocks on my door tore me out of my thoughts as Sarayah pushed the door open, without waiting for the reply and entered "He's here. Get your ass out. And my my, you look lovely"

"I look like the Duchess of Birmingham."

"okay, firstly there is no duchess of Birmingham and this is coming from a british citizen. Secondly, you look amazing, you insecure hag. Besides, you were the one that picked out this outfit. I only agreed with you that it was a great choice"

"My best friend begged me not to look simple, that's why I picked it out"

"Your best friend is a wise soul. I'd love to meet her sometime"

I groaned "You two are the same"

"I'd love to spend all night teasing you, but your date is waiting outside for YOU. Geez, you're giving we women a bad name"

"I guess I'm a little nervous, that's why"

"You should be nervous. A hot guy like Ayo is going for a plain Jane like you, you should be terrified"

I shot her a glare and she chuckled "My point is that it's okay to be nervous. It shows you're human"

"You're right. It's just weird cause I haven't gone on a date in a while"

"How long has 'a while' been?"

"Over a year"

Sarayah gasped dramatically "My God, your poor ovaries"

I swatted her arm "You're not helping"

"Do you expect me to lie to you?  Girl, that's not me. Just enjoy yourself, even with your nervousness. Nerves are good. They're to remind you not to misbehave"

"Your pep talks are the worst"

Sarayah pulled my arm, dragging me out "I'm your sister, not your best friend. That's her job, not mine"

I couldn't help laughing "You're lucky I've already packed all my stuff in my clutch"

Sarayah rolled her eyes, finally pushing me out of the house "Save your thanks for later"

And there I was, face to face with Ayo. Sarayah winked at me "Have fun, you two" then she went back in, leaving us to our privacy.

"My sister's crazy"

"It's not that bad. And you look...... Wow"

I blushed, feeling self conscious of how simple he looked in his corduroy sweater and black trousers as compared to my russet coloured ball dress. Then admitted "A bit too much?"

Ayo chuckled, his dimple coming into view "Nothing I can't handle."

Entering his car, I pointed out "At least you know how I feel when we first met. I looked crazy"

Ayo's face became serious "I thought you looked beautiful then and now"

I blushed again. Hating how quickly his words got to me "You're just saying that"

"I wish I were"

I smirked at him "you're smooth. I bet it works on all the girls"

Ayo laughed, giving amused glances at me as he drove "You don't take compliments well, do you?"

"I don't get compliments that often.. I guess I intimidate people more than I think"

"I think I'm the opposite. People think I'm too easy going. Makes it easy for them to take me for granted"

"You're talking about your ex, aren't you?"

"Amongst other things, but yeah. Two years wasted"

"Think of it in this way, if you guys were together, you wouldn't have met me". Ayo had told me previously that he moved to Goldyn Land to be closer to his family and not think about his past.

"Look who has a big ego"

I only smirked at him. Enjoying the drive to our destination.


The drive, wherever he had planned, took longer than I expected. We had passed so many restaurants and it made me wonder where he had in mind.

"Where are we off to?"

"It's called a surprise for a reason"

"I'm just really curious"

He smirked "And we all know what curiosity did to the cat"

Scoffing, I replied "Nice one"

"Well you don't have to worry anymore. We're here"

I looked out the window immediately, noticing that we were parked in front of a private park. Getting out of the car, I let out a slow smile

"So this is the secret location. I thought we were going to a restaurant. That's why I wore a dress"

Looking slightly nervous, Ayo said "I wanted us to have as much privacy as possible, but if you're not okay with here,  I could get us a reservation at a r..............."

Cutting in, I chuckle "Are you kidding me? I love it. It's a bonus that I'd also get to look at the stars"

"That was the plan"

"Well, it's a brilliant plan and I'm impressed"

Appearing visibly relieved, he took my hand and led me into the park

  Hey everyone. I'm dedicating this chapter to Rough_Diamomd .. She's a true gem and one of my favourite readers. She gave me the idea for this chapter and I'm forever grateful for that.

P. S the picture at the top is how Abigail's outfit looks like.


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