Jasmine F. Haastrup's new Projects

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Hi, sorry I had to drag out you to read this but this is an important information to share. I had decided to try new genres of books, instead of limiting myself to one and ended up having cool new ideas. These are my new books which would be coming out soon and I'd love it if you could be part of it.

Upcoming books for the year 2020
A. Pulling Your Heartstrings [Romance]
B. The Radiants Chronicons Duology Series [Science Fiction]
i. Radiant (vol. I)
ii. Defiant (vol. II)

A. 'Pulling Your Heartstrings' brief info:

         A recipe for disaster.

"Childhood frenemies, Nara and Tife must work together to prevent Imade (Nara's best friend/Tife's sister)  from making a mistake of ending up with a wrong man"

       In a bid to help Imade find happiness like she did, self-acclaimed match maker, Nara Nwankwo assists her emotionally vulnerable best friend, Imade find love with the charismatic lawyer, Victor Adekola; only to find out that he wasn't the man they thought he was.

With the fear of hurting Imade's fragile emotional wellbeing, Nara and Tife secretly  team up  to break apart Victor and Imade's relationship, without hurting Imade or letting her find out. While at the same time, trying to hide Victor's past from Imade and fighting the obvious blazing attraction between each other.

B. The Radiants Chronicons Duology series;
Radiant (Vol I) brief info

" I was born like this. A stain to humanity. An imperfection. They believe we are flawed. They segregate us and call us "the Radiants". My name is Tamar Adu and this is my story."

In Nigeria, year 2069, The Radiants, a rare human specie, are being captured and taken away from their homes by the government. Recently abducted Tamar Adu, finds herself in the centre of a power struggle when a secret Radiant uprising group called 'the Strikers' rescues and takes her into their clandestine world.

There you have it.
I hope you check it out. I'd really appreciate it.

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