Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Dec 14

"Where are we?" I ask when he parks his car in front of a house.

"my Friend, Rose, sells casual male and female outfits. I've texted her already and she's coming out any second from now"

As if one cue, a beautiful petite woman walks out of the gate, clutching a large nylon bag. She had long brown hair and her eyes sparkled with amusement "hey, you two. You do realize it's past ten. You're lucky I was awake"

Ayo rolls his eyes "It's nothing compared to how many times I've saved your ass"

Grinning, Rose said to me, paying no heed to Ayo's words "He's a handful, isn't he?"

I smile, already liking the friendly woman standing before me "Hardly"

"Now you're being modest. Honestly, You're far more attractive than Ayo described"

My gaze locks with Ayo's, and I smirk at him. Groaning, he utters "It's time to go, Rose"

Rose shakes her head "Not yet, I have to take her in so she can get changed"

Before I could reply, she opens the door for me and hands over a bag to Ayo "Get changed in here"  as I walk out of the car and follow her in.

Her house was small but painted bright pink color on the inside and I quickly take a warm shower in her bathroom washing out the mud from my body.

Changing into the jeans and sweater Rose gave me, I walk out, bare of makeup and alot more confident than I was before.

Rose smiles when she sees me coming closer "You know he likes you alot, right?"

Pursing my lip, I say nothing. She quickly adds "I'm sorry if it seems like I'm butting in. I just wanted to tell you incase you have doubts"

I smile back at her, specifically not giving a reply to what she said "thank you for everything. Especially this outfit"

"Think of it as a gift from me. I'd love to see you more often"

Nodding at her, I say "Me too, honestly"

I say my goodbyes to Rose and entered Ayo's car, smiling at him. He had already changed into denim jeans and almost matching sweater with mine.

Ayo was the first to point it out "Our sweaters match. I won't be surprised if Rose did this on purpose"

"I like it"

My three words seemed to put Ayo at ease as he drove us to the well famed Kalimari Bar and restaurant.


Chugging down a bottle of beer, Ayo peers at me with concern "Are you sure you're okay here?"

A group of men send their greetings to Ayo, calling out his name playfully as he waves back at them. Explaining who they were to me, he says "Old drinking buddies. But seriously, are you good with this scene?"

Looking around, appreciating the lovely view, I look back at him "I am. Stop worrying. Look, it's open mic"

A woman ends her song and the crowd claps softly. The DJ calls out almost immediately "that was a lovely song by miss. Ebere. Who's gonna be our next Kareoke singer?"

Grinning at me with a devilish smile, Ayo raises his hand "This woman would like to go next"

I give him a panicked look "What the hell?"

Ayo holds my hand for a second and it temporarily distracts my tension "I know it seems scary but I want to help you face your fear. I know it's a crazy thing to do but it's just one of those things that has to happen. Next up, I'm gonna teach you how to ride a bicycle"

I mutter "You're crazy"

The Dj speaks dryly "Are you still gonna sing, lady? We don't have all day"

Ayo calls out "Yeah she is", then he cups my chin. He looks at me, ripping my heart with his soft brown eyes "When you get on stage, the nerves will drive you nuts. I want you to look at me. Only me and sing your heart out. You don't have to sing amazingly. You don't have to sound like Beyonce. Just be you up there and be comfortable with that"

I pout at him "I can't wait to take you on a ferris wheel so you can face your fear too"

Laughing, he says "I look forward to it"

Mustering up courage, I walk up to the stage and whisper the name of my song and my name to the Dj. I grip the microphone tightly and clear my throat. The bored look on everyone's faces makes me more agitated as my hands shakes vehemently. Sweat begins to drip across my face as the song intro comes on.

Looking around the audience, I could spot out Ayo's face from the crowd and it puts me at ease. He gives me a soft smile, sending warmth to my heart as I look at only him. Opening my mouth slowly, I begin to sing "All I want for Christmas is you" by Mariah Carey. My voice rang in a melodic and soft tune as I tried to keep up to the instrumental music's pace. My voice wasn't high pitched or perfect like Mariah Carey herself or Whitney Houston or Ariana Grande or even Christina Aguilera,  but I liked the ring to it.

Ending the song, I smile at the loud applause from the audience as I walk back to my seat. The DJ yells again "Another surprisingly amazing performance by Abigail Duke. Any other volunteers?"

Ayo had a starstruck look on his face as my brows furrowed when I sat down "What's wrong?"

"I didn't know you could sing"

Pecking his lips for a split second, still craving for the lingering feeling of it "Now you know. Thank you for helping me with my phobia. I've always avoided singing because people's faces scare me and I hate disappointing people, but now, I feel unstoppable. I still feel jittery but I'll get over it. Hopefully"

Smirking playfully at me, he remarks "Well you sounded amazing. I feel a little jealous"

"Says the guy that plays seven instruments"

"It's actually eight and I can sing"

I shake my head in amusement and sip out of my glass of water, enjoying the rest of the date.


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