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         "What the hell were you thinking dumbass!!!!!" I asked mitva who was busy watching Friends and munching popcorn. "I was not thinking about anything except wanting to win that pillow fight." she pouted. "" Yeah yeah... And he was so good also! Awesome! I said you to distract him and you were playing pillllow - pillllow with him. I am surprised your clothes were perfectly on! "
               " He. Started. The. Fight! "She said throwing a pillow on me. I ducked it closely." And he is prince. If anything was going to happen will be with you. If I had not calmed Vijay then you both would be dead by now and it was officially royal palace dammit!! "" So what! It was not like we were going to kill each other. "she said with a scowl.
" Fine. You. Are. Going. To. Apologies. To. Vijay. And. Sammer. AM I CLEAR!?? "
               " Yes mom. "she said watching TV." And what was that about [ROOM]? Can't he just show you garden or something? "" You are talking like that was my place and I was like "Come sweet heart I am going to show you my room." was it? "she said with blush." Great! "I said exparted.
               I call Vijay." UVRAJ speaking. "" Hello Uvraj Kiya here. "" Yeah Kiya I am sorry for his behavior. "" No.. No.. Actually I and mitva are really sorry and mitva wants to apologize to prince Sameer so she wants his appointment. "" Actually he is unemployed apart from my assistant (Navro) you can say. But next time when we will meet you can see him. "" Perfect. "I said with broad smile." Bye sire.""Bye Dr. Cyco." I grinned broadly. I will meet him soon. KIDISH YEAH!!! 😊


          "Bye Dr. Cyco." I said and smiled. Really she can lift my mood in a call. "Where is that asshole?" "I am going to call him sir." Raju said and left. Seriously Raju is my best man. My right hand. He knows me thoroughly. But the thing was she called me sire. It was so nice to hear from her lips. So sweet was it that....... "Hey bro did you called me?" Damnit this asshole. I scowled. "Yes mister." "I want you to be a good baby and apologize to Dr. MITVA because she is going to apologize you." "But she attacked first and she should be one to apologize not me." "I am telling you to apologize and it's final. Am. I. Clear!?" "Yes bhai." he said with puppy dog eyes. "Now leave!" Irony is that I'M GOING TO MEET HER SOON. KIDISHHH YEAH!!!!


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